Popular anonymity mechanisms such as Tor provide low communication latency but are vulnerable to traffic analysis attacks that can de-anonymize users. Moreover, known traffic-analysis-resistant techniques such as Dissent are impractical for use in latency-sensitive settings such as wireless networks. In this paper, we propose PriFi, a low-latency protocol for anonymous communication in local area networks that is provably secure against traffic analysis attacks. This allows members of an organization to access the Internet anonymously while they are on-site, via privacy-preserving WiFi networking, or off-site, via privacy-preserving virtual private networking (VPN). PriFi reduces communication latency using a client/relay/server architecture in which a set of servers computes cryptographic material in parallel with the clients to minimize unnecessary communication latency. We also propose a technique for protecting against equivocation attacks, with which a malicious relay might de-anonymize clients. This is achieved without adding extra latency by encrypting client messages based on the history of all messages they have received so far. As a result, any equivocation attempt makes the communication unintelligible, preserving clients' anonymity while holding the servers accountable.
With the help of rapidly developing technology, DNA sequencing is becoming less expensive. As a consequence, the research in genomics has gained speed in paving the way to personalized (genomic) medicine, and geneticists need large collections of human genomes to further increase this speed. Furthermore, individuals are using their genomes to learn about their (genetic) predispositions to diseases, their ancestries, and even their (genetic) compatibilities with potential partners. This trend has also caused the launch of health-related websites and online social networks (OSNs), in which individuals share their genomic data (e.g., OpenSNP or 23andMe). On the other hand, genomic data carries much sensitive information about its owner. By analyzing the DNA of an individual, it is now possible to learn about his disease predispositions (e.g., for Alzheimer's or Parkinson's), ancestries, and physical attributes. The threat to genomic privacy is magnified by the fact that a person's genome is correlated to his family members' genomes, thus leading to interdependent privacy risks. This short tutorial will help computer scientists better understand the privacy and security challenges in today's genomic era. We will first highlight the significance of genomic data and the threats for genomic privacy. Then, we will present the high level descriptions of the proposed solutions to protect the privacy of genomic data and we will discuss future research directions. No prerequisite knowledge on biology or genomics is required for the attendees of this proposal. We only require the attendees to have a slight background on cryptography and statistics.
This last decade has witnessed a wide adoption of connected mobile devices able to capture the context of their owners from embedded sensors (GPS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, accelerometers). The advent of mobile and pervasive computing has enabled rich social and contextual applications, but the use of such technologies raises severe privacy issues and challenges. The privacy threats come from diverse adversaries, ranging from curious service providers and other users of the same service to eavesdroppers and curious applications running on the device. The information that can be collected from mobile device owners includes their locations, their social relationships, and their current activity. All of this, once analyzed and combined together through inference, can be very telling about the users' private lives. In this talk, we will describe privacy threats in mobile and pervasive networks. We will also show how to quantify the privacy of the users of such networks and explain how information on co-location can be taken into account. We will describe the role that privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) can play and describe some of them. We will also explain how to prevent apps from sifting too many personal data under Android. We will conclude by mentioning the privacy and security challenges raised by the quantified self and digital medicine
Personalized medicine brings the promise of better diagnoses, better treatments, a higher quality of life and increased longevity. To achieve these noble goals, it exploits a number of revolutionary technologies, including genome sequencing and DNA editing, as well as wearable devices and implantable or even edible biosensors. In parallel, the popularity of "quantified self" gadgets shows the willingness of citizens to be more proactive with respect to their own health. Yet, this evolution opens the door to all kinds of abuses, notably in terms of discrimination, blackmailing, stalking, and subversion of devices. After giving a general description of this situation, in this talk we will expound on some of the main concerns, including the temptation to permanently and remotely monitor the physical (and metabolic) activity of individuals. We will describe the potential and the limitations of techniques such as cryptography (including secure multi-party computation), trusted hardware and differential privacy. We will also discuss the notion of consent in the face of the intrinsic correlations of human data. We will argue in favor of a more systematic, principled and cross-disciplinary research effort in this field and will discuss the motives of the various stakeholders.