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Ghayyur, Sameera, Chen, Yan, Yus, Roberto, Machanavajjhala, Ashwin, Hay, Michael, Miklau, Gerome, Mehrotra, Sharad.  2018.  IoT-Detective: Analyzing IoT Data Under Differential Privacy. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data. :1725–1728.
Emerging IoT technologies promise to bring revolutionary changes to many domains including health, transportation, and building management. However, continuous monitoring of individuals threatens privacy. The success of IoT thus depends on integrating privacy protections into IoT infrastructures. This demonstration adapts a recently-proposed system, PeGaSus, which releases streaming data under the formal guarantee of differential privacy, with a state-of-the-art IoT testbed (TIPPERS) located at UC Irvine. PeGaSus protects individuals' data by introducing distortion into the output stream. While PeGaSuS has been shown to offer lower numerical error compared to competing methods, assessing the usefulness of the output is application dependent. The goal of the demonstration is to assess the usefulness of private streaming data in a real-world IoT application setting. The demo consists of a game, IoT-Detective, in which participants carry out visual data analysis tasks on private data streams, earning points when they achieve results similar to those on the true data stream. The demo will educate participants about the impact of privacy mechanisms on IoT data while at the same time generating insights into privacy-utility trade-offs in IoT applications.
He, Xi, Machanavajjhala, Ashwin, Flynn, Cheryl, Srivastava, Divesh.  2017.  Composing Differential Privacy and Secure Computation: A Case Study on Scaling Private Record Linkage. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1389–1406.

Private record linkage (PRL) is the problem of identifying pairs of records that are similar as per an input matching rule from databases held by two parties that do not trust one another. We identify three key desiderata that a PRL solution must ensure: (1) perfect precision and high recall of matching pairs, (2) a proof of end-to-end privacy, and (3) communication and computational costs that scale subquadratically in the number of input records. We show that all of the existing solutions for PRL? including secure 2-party computation (S2PC), and their variants that use non-private or differentially private (DP) blocking to ensure subquadratic cost – violate at least one of the three desiderata. In particular, S2PC techniques guarantee end-to-end privacy but have either low recall or quadratic cost. In contrast, no end-to-end privacy guarantee has been formalized for solutions that achieve subquadratic cost. This is true even for solutions that compose DP and S2PC: DP does not permit the release of any exact information about the databases, while S2PC algorithms for PRL allow the release of matching records. In light of this deficiency, we propose a novel privacy model, called output constrained differential privacy, that shares the strong privacy protection of DP, but allows for the truthful release of the output of a certain function applied to the data. We apply this to PRL, and show that protocols satisfying this privacy model permit the disclosure of the true matching records, but their execution is insensitive to the presence or absence of a single non-matching record. We find that prior work that combine DP and S2PC techniques even fail to satisfy this end-to-end privacy model. Hence, we develop novel protocols that provably achieve this end-to-end privacy guarantee, together with the other two desiderata of PRL. Our empirical evaluation also shows that our protocols obtain high recall, scale near linearly in the size of the input databases and the output set of matching pairs, and have communication and computational costs that are at least 2 orders of magnitude smaller than S2PC baselines.

Kotsogiannis, Ios, Zheleva, Elena, Machanavajjhala, Ashwin.  2017.  Directed Edge Recommender System. Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. :525–533.

Recommender systems have become ubiquitous in online applications where companies personalize the user experience based on explicit or inferred user preferences. Most modern recommender systems concentrate on finding relevant items for each individual user. In this paper, we describe the problem of directed edge recommendations where the system recommends the best item that a user can gift, share or recommend to another user that he/she is connected to. We propose algorithms that utilize the preferences of both the sender and the recipient by integrating individual user preference models (e.g., based on items each user purchased for themselves) with models of sharing preferences (e.g., gift purchases for others) into the recommendation process. We compare our work to group recommender systems and social network edge labeling, showing that incorporating the task context leads to more accurate recommendations.

Hay, Michael, Machanavajjhala, Ashwin, Miklau, Gerome, Chen, Yan, Zhang, Dan.  2016.  Principled Evaluation of Differentially Private Algorithms Using DPBench. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Management of Data. :139–154.

Differential privacy has become the dominant standard in the research community for strong privacy protection. There has been a flood of research into query answering algorithms that meet this standard. Algorithms are becoming increasingly complex, and in particular, the performance of many emerging algorithms is data dependent, meaning the distribution of the noise added to query answers may change depending on the input data. Theoretical analysis typically only considers the worst case, making empirical study of average case performance increasingly important. In this paper we propose a set of evaluation principles which we argue are essential for sound evaluation. Based on these principles we propose DPBench, a novel evaluation framework for standardized evaluation of privacy algorithms. We then apply our benchmark to evaluate algorithms for answering 1- and 2-dimensional range queries. The result is a thorough empirical study of 15 published algorithms on a total of 27 datasets that offers new insights into algorithm behavior–-in particular the influence of dataset scale and shape–-and a more complete characterization of the state of the art. Our methodology is able to resolve inconsistencies in prior empirical studies and place algorithm performance in context through comparison to simple baselines. Finally, we pose open research questions which we hope will guide future algorithm design.