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Khalil, Issa M., Guan, Bei, Nabeel, Mohamed, Yu, Ting.  2018.  A Domain Is Only As Good As Its Buddies: Detecting Stealthy Malicious Domains via Graph Inference. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :330-341.

Inference based techniques are one of the major approaches to analyze DNS data and detect malicious domains. The key idea of inference techniques is to first define associations between domains based on features extracted from DNS data. Then, an inference algorithm is deployed to infer potential malicious domains based on their direct/indirect associations with known malicious ones. The way associations are defined is key to the effectiveness of an inference technique. It is desirable to be both accurate (i.e., avoid falsely associating domains with no meaningful connections) and with good coverage (i.e., identify all associations between domains with meaningful connections). Due to the limited scope of information provided by DNS data, it becomes a challenge to design an association scheme that achieves both high accuracy and good coverage. In this paper, we propose a new approach to identify domains controlled by the same entity. Our key idea is an in-depth analysis of active DNS data to accurately separate public IPs from dedicated ones, which enables us to build high-quality associations between domains. Our scheme avoids the pitfall of naive approaches that rely on weak "co-IP" relationship of domains (i.e., two domains are resolved to the same IP) that results in low detection accuracy, and, meanwhile, identifies many meaningful connections between domains that are discarded by existing state-of-the-art approaches. Our experimental results show that the proposed approach not only significantly improves the domain coverage compared to existing approaches but also achieves better detection accuracy. Existing path-based inference algorithms are specifically designed for DNS data analysis. They are effective but computationally expensive. To further demonstrate the strength of our domain association scheme as well as improve the inference efficiency, we construct a new domain-IP graph that can work well with the generic belief propagation algorithm. Through comprehensive experiments, we show that this approach offers significant efficiency and scalability improvement with only a minor impact to detection accuracy, which suggests that such a combination could offer a good tradeoff for malicious domain detection in practice.

Zhang, Rui, Xue, Rui, Yu, Ting, Liu, Ling.  2016.  Dynamic and Efficient Private Keyword Search over Inverted Index–Based Encrypted Data. ACM Trans. Internet Technol.. 16:21:1–21:20.

Querying over encrypted data is gaining increasing popularity in cloud-based data hosting services. Security and efficiency are recognized as two important and yet conflicting requirements for querying over encrypted data. In this article, we propose an efficient private keyword search (EPKS) scheme that supports binary search and extend it to dynamic settings (called DEPKS) for inverted index–based encrypted data. First, we describe our approaches of constructing a searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) scheme that supports binary search. Second, we present a novel framework for EPKS and provide its formal security definitions in terms of plaintext privacy and predicate privacy by modifying Shen et al.’s security notions [Shen et al. 2009]. Third, built on the proposed framework, we design an EPKS scheme whose complexity is logarithmic in the number of keywords. The scheme is based on the groups of prime order and enjoys strong notions of security, namely statistical plaintext privacy and statistical predicate privacy. Fourth, we extend the EPKS scheme to support dynamic keyword and document updates. The extended scheme not only maintains the properties of logarithmic-time search efficiency and plaintext privacy and predicate privacy but also has fewer rounds of communications for updates compared to existing dynamic search encryption schemes. We experimentally evaluate the proposed EPKS and DEPKS schemes and show that they are significantly more efficient in terms of both keyword search complexity and communication complexity than existing randomized SSE schemes.

Qin, Zhan, Yang, Yin, Yu, Ting, Khalil, Issa, Xiao, Xiaokui, Ren, Kui.  2016.  Heavy Hitter Estimation over Set-Valued Data with Local Differential Privacy. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :192–203.

In local differential privacy (LDP), each user perturbs her data locally before sending the noisy data to a data collector. The latter then analyzes the data to obtain useful statistics. Unlike the setting of centralized differential privacy, in LDP the data collector never gains access to the exact values of sensitive data, which protects not only the privacy of data contributors but also the collector itself against the risk of potential data leakage. Existing LDP solutions in the literature are mostly limited to the case that each user possesses a tuple of numeric or categorical values, and the data collector computes basic statistics such as counts or mean values. To the best of our knowledge, no existing work tackles more complex data mining tasks such as heavy hitter discovery over set-valued data. In this paper, we present a systematic study of heavy hitter mining under LDP. We first review existing solutions, extend them to the heavy hitter estimation, and explain why their effectiveness is limited. We then propose LDPMiner, a two-phase mechanism for obtaining accurate heavy hitters with LDP. The main idea is to first gather a candidate set of heavy hitters using a portion of the privacy budget, and focus the remaining budget on refining the candidate set in a second phase, which is much more efficient budget-wise than obtaining the heavy hitters directly from the whole dataset. We provide both in-depth theoretical analysis and extensive experiments to compare LDPMiner against adaptations of previous solutions. The results show that LDPMiner significantly improves over existing methods. More importantly, LDPMiner successfully identifies the majority true heavy hitters in practical settings.

Khalil, Issa, Yu, Ting, Guan, Bei.  2016.  Discovering Malicious Domains Through Passive DNS Data Graph Analysis. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :663–674.

Malicious domains are key components to a variety of cyber attacks. Several recent techniques are proposed to identify malicious domains through analysis of DNS data. The general approach is to build classifiers based on DNS-related local domain features. One potential problem is that many local features, e.g., domain name patterns and temporal patterns, tend to be not robust. Attackers could easily alter these features to evade detection without affecting much their attack capabilities. In this paper, we take a complementary approach. Instead of focusing on local features, we propose to discover and analyze global associations among domains. The key challenges are (1) to build meaningful associations among domains; and (2) to use these associations to reason about the potential maliciousness of domains. For the first challenge, we take advantage of the modus operandi of attackers. To avoid detection, malicious domains exhibit dynamic behavior by, for example, frequently changing the malicious domain-IP resolutions and creating new domains. This makes it very likely for attackers to reuse resources. It is indeed commonly observed that over a period of time multiple malicious domains are hosted on the same IPs and multiple IPs host the same malicious domains, which creates intrinsic association among them. For the second challenge, we develop a graph-based inference technique over associated domains. Our approach is based on the intuition that a domain having strong associations with known malicious domains is likely to be malicious. Carefully established associations enable the discovery of a large set of new malicious domains using a very small set of previously known malicious ones. Our experiments over a public passive DNS database show that the proposed technique can achieve high true positive rates (over 95%) while maintaining low false positive rates (less than 0.5%). Further, even with a small set of known malicious domains (a couple of hundreds), our technique can discover a large set of potential malicious domains (in the scale of up to tens of thousands).