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Tang, Qiang, Yung, Moti.  2017.  Cliptography: Post-Snowden Cryptography. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2615–2616.

This tutorial will present a systematic overview of \$\backslash$em kleptography\: stealing information subliminally from black-box cryptographic implementations; and \$\backslash$em cliptography\: defending mechanisms that clip the power of kleptographic attacks via specification re-designs (without altering the underlying algorithms). Despite the laudatory history of development of modern cryptography, applying cryptographic tools to reliably provide security and privacy in practice is notoriously difficult. One fundamental practical challenge, guaranteeing security and privacy without explicit trust in the algorithms and implementations that underlie basic security infrastructure, remains. While the dangers of entertaining adversarial implementation of cryptographic primitives seem obvious, the ramifications of such attacks are surprisingly dire: it turns out that – in wide generality – adversarial implementations of cryptographic (both deterministic and randomized) algorithms may leak private information while producing output that is statistically indistinguishable from that of a faithful implementation. Such attacks were formally studied in Kleptography. Snowden revelations has shown us how security and privacy can be lost at a very large scale even when traditional cryptography seems to be used to protect Internet communication, when Kleptography was not taken into consideration. We will first explain how the above-mentioned Kleptographic attacks can be carried out in various settings. We will then introduce several simple but rigorous immunizing strategies that were inspired by folklore practical wisdoms to protect different algorithms from implementation subversion. Those strategies can be applied to ensure security of most of the fundamental cryptographic primitives such as PRG, digital signatures, public key encryptions against kleptographic attacks when they are implemented accordingly. Our new design principles may suggest new standardization methods that help reducing the threats of subverted implementation. We also hope our tutorial to stimulate a community-wise efforts to further tackle the fundamental challenge mentioned at the beginning.

Russell, Alexander, Tang, Qiang, Yung, Moti, Zhou, Hong-Sheng.  2017.  Generic Semantic Security Against a Kleptographic Adversary. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :907–922.

Notable recent security incidents have generated intense interest in adversaries which attempt to subvert–-perhaps covertly–-crypto$\backslash$-graphic algorithms. In this paper we develop (IND-CPA) Semantically Secure encryption in this challenging setting. This fundamental encryption primitive has been previously studied in the "kleptographic setting," though existing results must relax the model by introducing trusted components or otherwise constraining the subversion power of the adversary: designing a Public Key System that is kletographically semantically secure (with minimal trust) has remained elusive to date. In this work, we finally achieve such systems, even when all relevant cryptographic algorithms are subject to adversarial (kleptographic) subversion. To this end we exploit novel inter-component randomized cryptographic checking techniques (with an offline checking component), combined with common and simple software engineering modular programming techniques (applied to the system's black box specification level). Moreover, our methodology yields a strong generic technique for the preservation of any semantically secure cryptosystem when incorporated into the strong kleptographic adversary setting.

Dmitrienko, Alexandra, Noack, David, Yung, Moti.  2017.  Secure Wallet-Assisted Offline Bitcoin Payments with Double-Spender Revocation. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :520–531.

Bitcoin seems to be the most successful cryptocurrency so far given the growing real life deployment and popularity. While Bitcoin requires clients to be online to perform transactions and a certain amount of time to verify them, there are many real life scenarios that demand for offline and immediate payments (e.g., mobile ticketing, vending machines, etc). However, offline payments in Bitcoin raise non-trivial security challenges, as the payee has no means to verify the received coins without having access to the Bitcoin network. Moreover, even online immediate payments are shown to be vulnerable to double-spending attacks. In this paper, we propose the first solution for Bitcoin payments, which enables secure payments with Bitcoin in offline settings and in scenarios where payments need to be immediately accepted. Our approach relies on an offline wallet and deploys several novel security mechanisms to prevent double-spending and to verify the coin validity in offline setting. These mechanisms achieve probabilistic security to guarantee that the attack probability is lower than the desired threshold. We provide a security and risk analysis as well as model security parameters for various adversaries. We further eliminate remaining risks by detection of misbehaving wallets and their revocation. We implemented our solution for mobile Android clients and instantiated an offline wallet using a microSD security card. Our implementation demonstrates that smooth integration over a very prevalent platform (Android) is possible, and that offline and online payments can practically co-exist. We also discuss alternative deployment approach for the offline wallet which does not leverage secure hardware, but instead relies on a deposit system managed by the Bitcoin network.

Dolev, Shlomi, ElDefrawy, Karim, Lampkins, Joshua, Ostrovsky, Rafail, Yung, Moti.  2016.  Brief Announcement: Proactive Secret Sharing with a Dishonest Majority. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing. :401–403.

In a secret sharing scheme a dealer shares a secret s among n parties such that an adversary corrupting up to t parties does not learn s, while any t+1 parties can efficiently recover s. Over a long period of time all parties may be corrupted thus violating the threshold, which is accounted for in Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS). PSS schemes periodically rerandomize (refresh) the shares of the secret and invalidate old ones. PSS retains confidentiality even when all parties are corrupted over the lifetime of the secret, but no more than t during a certain window of time, called the refresh period. Existing PSS schemes only guarantee secrecy in the presence of an honest majority with less than n2 total corruptions during a refresh period; an adversary corrupting a single additional party, even if only passively, obtains the secret. This work is the first feasibility result demonstrating PSS tolerating a dishonest majority, it introduces the first PSS scheme secure against t passive adversaries without recovery of lost shares, it can also recover from honest faulty parties losing their shares, and when tolerating e faults the scheme tolerates t passive corruptions. A non-robust version of the scheme can tolerate t active adversaries, and mixed adversaries that control a combination of passively and actively corrupted parties that are a majority, but where less than n/2-e of such corruptions are active. We achieve these high thresholds with O(n4) communication when sharing a single secret, and O(n3) communication when sharing multiple secrets in batches.

Libert, Benoît, Mouhartem, Fabrice, Peters, Thomas, Yung, Moti.  2016.  Practical "Signatures with Efficient Protocols" from Simple Assumptions. Proceedings of the 11th ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :511–522.

Digital signatures are perhaps the most important base for authentication and trust relationships in large scale systems. More specifically, various applications of signatures provide privacy and anonymity preserving mechanisms and protocols, and these, in turn, are becoming critical (due to the recently recognized need to protect individuals according to national rules and regulations). A specific type of signatures called "signatures with efficient protocols", as introduced by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya (CL), efficiently accommodates various basic protocols and extensions like zero-knowledge proofs, signing committed messages, or re-randomizability. These are, in fact, typical operations associated with signatures used in typical anonymity and privacy-preserving scenarios. To date there are no "signatures with efficient protocols" which are based on simple assumptions and truly practical. These two properties assure us a robust primitive: First, simple assumptions are needed for ensuring that this basic primitive is mathematically robust and does not require special ad hoc assumptions that are more risky, imply less efficiency, are more tuned to the protocol itself, and are perhaps less trusted. In the other dimension, efficiency is a must given the anonymity applications of the protocol, since without proper level of efficiency the future adoption of the primitives is always questionable (in spite of their need). In this work, we present a new CL-type signature scheme that is re-randomizable under a simple, well-studied, and by now standard, assumption (SXDH). The signature is efficient (built on the recent QA-NIZK constructions), and is, by design, suitable to work in extended contexts that typify privacy settings (like anonymous credentials, group signature, and offline e-cash). We demonstrate its power by presenting practical protocols based on it.