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Piao, Guangyuan, Breslin, John G..  2016.  User Modeling on Twitter with WordNet Synsets and DBpedia Concepts for Personalized Recommendations. Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. :2057–2060.

User modeling of individual users on the Social Web platforms such as Twitter plays a significant role in providing personalized recommendations and filtering interesting information from social streams. Recently, researchers proposed the use of concepts (e.g., DBpedia entities) for representing user interests instead of word-based approaches, since Knowledge Bases such as DBpedia provide cross-domain background knowledge about concepts, and thus can be used for extending user interest profiles. Even so, not all concepts can be covered by a Knowledge Base, especially in the case of microblogging platforms such as Twitter where new concepts/topics emerge everyday. In this short paper, instead of using concepts alone, we propose using synsets from WordNet and concepts from DBpedia for representing user interests. We evaluate our proposed user modeling strategies by comparing them with other bag-of-concepts approaches. The results show that using synsets and concepts together for representing user interests improves the quality of user modeling significantly in the context of link recommendations on Twitter.