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Amir, Mohammad, Nagar, Dhanroop Mal, Baghela, Vinay.  2016.  Secure DSR Routing Protocol Based on Homomorphic Digital Signature. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Information Communication Technology & Computing. :84:1–84:5.

Mobile Ad-Hoc Network is a wireless networking exemplar of mobile hosts which are connected by wireless links without usual routing infrastructure and link fixed routers. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is one of the extensively used routing protocol for packet transfer from source to destination. It relies on maintaining most recent information, for which, each adhoc node maintains hop count and sequence number field. They are vulnerable to security attacks due to their mutable nature. Analogously, routing updates are transmitted in clear text, which again poses a security hazard. In this paper, we will propose an improved version of DSR routing protocol using Homomorphic Encryption Scheme which prevents pollution attack and accomplishes in maintaining Integrity Security Standard by following minimum hop count path. HDSR routing scheme is evaluated by simulation and results show that improved throughput and ETE delay can be obtained.