One of the most critical challenges facing cyber defense nowadays is the complexity of recent released cyber-attacks, which are capable of disrupting critical industries and jeopardizing national economy. In this context, moving beyond common security approaches to make it possible to neutralize and react to security attacks at their early stages, becomes a requisite. We develop in this paper a formal model for the proactive assessment of security damages. We define a network of observer agents capable of observing incomplete information about attacks and affected cyber systems, and generating security observations useful for the identification of ongoing attack scenarios and their evolution in the future. A set of analytics are developed for the generation and management of scenario contexts as a set of measures useful for the proactive assessment of damages in the future, and the launching of countermeasures. A case study is provided to exemplify the proposal.
Securing cyber system is a major concern as security attacks become more and more sophisticated. We develop in this paper a novel graph-based Active Cyber Defense (ACD) model to proactively respond to cyber attacks. The proposed model is based on the use of a semantically rich graph to describe cyber systems, types of used interconnection between them, and security related data useful to develop active defense strategies. The developed model takes into consideration the probabilistic nature of cyber attacks, and their degree of complexity. In this context, analytics are provided to proactively test the impact of vulnerabilities/threats increase on the system, analyze the consequent behavior of cyber systems and security solution, and decide about the security state of the whole cyber system. Our model integrates in the same framework decisions made by cyber defenders based on their expertise and knowledge, and decisions that are automatically generated using security analytic rules.