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De, Asmit, Basu, Aditya, Ghosh, Swaroop, Jaeger, Trent.  2019.  FIXER: Flow Integrity Extensions for Embedded RISC-V. 2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :348–353.
With the recent proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) and embedded devices, there is a growing need to develop a security framework to protect such devices. RISC-V is a promising open source architecture that targets low-power embedded devices and SoCs. However, there is a dearth of practical and low-overhead security solutions in the RISC-V architecture. Programs compiled using RISC-V toolchains are still vulnerable to code injection and code reuse attacks such as buffer overflow and return-oriented programming (ROP). In this paper, we propose FIXER, a hardware implemented security extension to RISC-V that provides a defense mechanism against such attacks. FIXER enforces fine-grained control-flow integrity (CFI) of running programs on backward edges (returns) and forward edges (calls) without requiring any architectural modifications to the RISC-V processor core. We implement FIXER on RocketChip, a RISC-V SoC platform, by leveraging the integrated Rocket Custom Coprocessor (RoCC) to detect and prevent attacks. Compared to existing software based solutions, FIXER reduces energy overhead by 60% at minimal execution time (1.5%) and area (2.9%) overheads.
Fang, Zheng, Fu, Hao, Gu, Tianbo, Qian, Zhiyun, Jaeger, Trent, Mohapatra, Prasant.  2019.  ForeSee: A Cross-Layer Vulnerability Detection Framework for the Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE 16th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS). :236–244.
The exponential growth of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices not only brings convenience but also poses numerous challenging safety and security issues. IoT devices are distributed, highly heterogeneous, and more importantly, directly interact with the physical environment. In IoT systems, the bugs in device firmware, the defects in network protocols, and the design flaws in system configurations all may lead to catastrophic accidents, causing severe threats to people's lives and properties. The challenge gets even more escalated as the possible attacks may be chained together in a long sequence across multiple layers, rendering the current vulnerability analysis inapplicable. In this paper, we present ForeSee, a cross-layer formal framework to comprehensively unveil the vulnerabilities in IoT systems. ForeSee generates a novel attack graph that depicts all of the essential components in IoT, from low-level physical surroundings to high-level decision-making processes. The corresponding graph-based analysis then enables ForeSee to precisely capture potential attack paths. An optimization algorithm is further introduced to reduce the computational complexity of our analysis. The illustrative case studies show that our multilayer modeling can capture threats ignored by the previous approaches.
Huang, Zhen, Lie, David, Tan, Gang, Jaeger, Trent.  2019.  Using Safety Properties to Generate Vulnerability Patches. 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :539–554.
Security vulnerabilities are among the most critical software defects in existence. When identified, programmers aim to produce patches that prevent the vulnerability as quickly as possible, motivating the need for automatic program repair (APR) methods to generate patches automatically. Unfortunately, most current APR methods fall short because they approximate the properties necessary to prevent the vulnerability using examples. Approximations result in patches that either do not fix the vulnerability comprehensively, or may even introduce new bugs. Instead, we propose property-based APR, which uses human-specified, program-independent and vulnerability-specific safety properties to derive source code patches for security vulnerabilities. Unlike properties that are approximated by observing the execution of test cases, such safety properties are precise and complete. The primary challenge lies in mapping such safety properties into source code patches that can be instantiated into an existing program. To address these challenges, we propose Senx, which, given a set of safety properties and a single input that triggers the vulnerability, detects the safety property violated by the vulnerability input and generates a corresponding patch that enforces the safety property and thus, removes the vulnerability. Senx solves several challenges with property-based APR: it identifies the program expressions and variables that must be evaluated to check safety properties and identifies the program scopes where they can be evaluated, it generates new code to selectively compute the values it needs if calling existing program code would cause unwanted side effects, and it uses a novel access range analysis technique to avoid placing patches inside loops where it could incur performance overhead. Our evaluation shows that the patches generated by Senx successfully fix 32 of 42 real-world vulnerabilities from 11 applications including various tools or libraries for manipulating graphics/media files, a programming language interpreter, a relational database engine, a collection of programming tools for creating and managing binary programs, and a collection of basic file, shell, and text manipulation tools.
Ispoglou, Kyriakos K., AlBassam, Bader, Jaeger, Trent, Payer, Mathias.  2018.  Block Oriented Programming: Automating Data-Only Attacks. Proceedings of the 2018 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1868-1882.

With the widespread deployment of Control-Flow Integrity (CFI), control-flow hijacking attacks, and consequently code reuse attacks, are significantly more difficult. CFI limits control flow to well-known locations, severely restricting arbitrary code execution. Assessing the remaining attack surface of an application under advanced control-flow hijack defenses such as CFI and shadow stacks remains an open problem. We introduce BOPC, a mechanism to automatically assess whether an attacker can execute arbitrary code on a binary hardened with CFI/shadow stack defenses. BOPC computes exploits for a target program from payload specifications written in a Turing-complete, high-level language called SPL that abstracts away architecture and program-specific details. SPL payloads are compiled into a program trace that executes the desired behavior on top of the target binary. The input for BOPC is an SPL payload, a starting point (e.g., from a fuzzer crash) and an arbitrary memory write primitive that allows application state corruption. To map SPL payloads to a program trace, BOPC introduces Block Oriented Programming (BOP), a new code reuse technique that utilizes entire basic blocks as gadgets along valid execution paths in the program, i.e., without violating CFI or shadow stack policies. We find that the problem of mapping payloads to program traces is NP-hard, so BOPC first reduces the search space by pruning infeasible paths and then uses heuristics to guide the search to probable paths. BOPC encodes the BOP payload as a set of memory writes. We execute 13 SPL payloads applied to 10 popular applications. BOPC successfully finds payloads and complex execution traces – which would likely not have been found through manual analysis – while following the target's Control-Flow Graph under an ideal CFI policy in 81% of the cases.

Achleitner, Stefan, La Porta, Thomas, Jaeger, Trent, McDaniel, Patrick.  2017.  Adversarial Network Forensics in Software Defined Networking. Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research. :8–20.
Software Defined Networking (SDN), and its popular implementation OpenFlow, represent the foundation for the design and implementation of modern networks. The essential part of an SDN-based network are flow rules that enable network elements to steer and control the traffic and deploy policy enforcement points with a fine granularity at any entry-point in a network. Such applications, implemented with the usage of OpenFlow rules, are already integral components of widely used SDN controllers such as Floodlight or OpenDayLight. The implementation details of network policies are reflected in the composition of flow rules and leakage of such information provides adversaries with a significant attack advantage such as bypassing Access Control Lists (ACL), reconstructing the resource distribution of Load Balancers or revealing of Moving Target Defense techniques. In this paper we introduce a new attack vector on SDN by showing how the detailed composition of flow rules can be reconstructed by network users without any prior knowledge of the SDN controller or its architecture. To our best knowledge, in SDN, such reconnaissance techniques have not been considered so far. We introduce SDNMap, an open-source scanner that is able to accurately reconstruct the detailed composition of flow rules by performing active probing and listening to the network traffic. We demonstrate in a number of real-world SDN applications that this ability provides adversaries with a significant attack advantage and discuss ways to prevent the introduced reconnaissance techniques. Our SDNMap scanner is able to reconstruct flow rules between network endpoints with an accuracy of over 96%.
Achleitner, Stefan, La Porta, Thomas, Jaeger, Trent, McDaniel, Patrick.  2017.  Adversarial Network Forensics in Software Defined Networking: Demo. Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research. :177–178.
The essential part of an SDN-based network are flow rules that enable network elements to steer and control the traffic and deploy policy enforcement points with a fine granularity at any entry-point in a network. Such applications, implemented with the usage of OpenFlow rules, are already integral components of widely used SDN controllers such as Floodlight or OpenDayLight. The implementation details of network policies are reflected in the composition of flow rules and leakage of such information provides adversaries with a significant attack advantage such as bypassing Access Control Lists (ACL), reconstructing the resource distribution of Load Balancers or revealing of Moving Target Defense techniques. In this demo [4, 5] we present our open-source scanner SDNMap and demonstrate the findings discussed in the paper "Adversarial Network Forensics in Software Defined Networking" [6]. On two real world examples, Floodlight's Access Control Lists (ACL) and Floodlight's Load Balancer (LBaaS), we show that severe security issues arise with the ability to reconstruct the details of OpenFlow rules on the data-plane.
Aqil, Azeem, Khalil, Karim, Atya, Ahmed O.F., Papalexakis, Evangelos E., Krishnamurthy, Srikanth V., Jaeger, Trent, Ramakrishnan, K. K., Yu, Paul, Swami, Ananthram.  2017.  Jaal: Towards Network Intrusion Detection at ISP Scale. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies. :134–146.
We have recently seen an increasing number of attacks that are distributed, and span an entire wide area network (WAN). Today, typically, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are deployed at enterprise scale and cannot handle attacks that cover a WAN. Moreover, such IDSs are implemented at a single entity that expects to look at all packets to determine an intrusion. Transferring copies of raw packets to centralized engines for analysis in a WAN can significantly impact both network performance and detection accuracy. In this paper, we propose Jaal, a framework for achieving accurate network intrusion detection at scale. The key idea in Jaal is to monitor traffic and construct in-network packet summaries. The summaries are then processed centrally to detect attacks with high accuracy. The main challenges that we address are (a) creating summaries that are concise, but sufficient to draw highly accurate inferences and (b) transforming traditional IDS rules to handle summaries instead of raw packets. We implement Jaal on a large scale SDN testbed. We show that on average Jaal yields a detection accuracy of about 98%, which is the highest reported for ISP scale network intrusion detection. At the same time, the overhead associated with transferring summaries to the central inference engine is only about 35% of what is consumed if raw packets are transferred.
Petracca, Giuseppe, Capobianco, Frank, Skalka, Christian, Jaeger, Trent.  2017.  On Risk in Access Control Enforcement. Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM on Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies. :31–42.

While we have long had principles describing how access control enforcement should be implemented, such as the reference monitor concept, imprecision in access control mechanisms and access control policies leads to risks that may enable exploitation. In practice, least privilege access control policies often allow information flows that may enable exploits. In addition, the implementation of access control mechanisms often tries to balance security with ease of use implicitly (e.g., with respect to determining where to place authorization hooks) and approaches to tighten access control, such as accounting for program context, are ad hoc. In this paper, we define four types of risks in access control enforcement and explore possible approaches and challenges in tracking those types of risks. In principle, we advocate runtime tracking to produce risk estimates for each of these types of risk. To better understand the potential of risk estimation for authorization, we propose risk estimate functions for each of the four types of risk, finding that benign program deployments accumulate risks in each of the four areas for ten Android programs examined. As a result, we find that tracking of relative risk may be useful for guiding changes to security choices, such as authorized unsafe operations or placement of authorization checks, when risk differs from that expected.

Jaeger, Trent.  2016.  Configuring Software and Systems for Defense-in-Depth. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :1–1.

The computer security community has long advocated defense in depth, building multiple layers of defense to protect a system. Realizing this vision is not yet practical, as software often ships with inadequate defenses, typically developed in an ad hoc fashion. Currently, programmers reason about security manually and lack tools to validate assurance that security controls provide satisfactory defenses. In this keynote talk, I will discuss how achieving defense in depth has a significant component in configuration. In particular, we advocate configuring security requirements for various layers of software defenses (e.g., privilege separation, authorization, and auditing) and generating software and systems defenses that implement such configurations (mostly) automatically. I will focus mainly on the challenge of retrofitting software with authorization code automatically to demonstrate the configuration problems faced by the community, and discuss how we may leverage these lessons to configuring software and systems for defense in depth.

Jaeger, Trent.  2016.  Configuring Software and Systems for Defense-in-Depth. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :1–1.

The computer security community has long advocated defense in depth, building multiple layers of defense to protect a system. Realizing this vision is not yet practical, as software often ships with inadequate defenses, typically developed in an ad hoc fashion. Currently, programmers reason about security manually and lack tools to validate assurance that security controls provide satisfactory defenses. In this keynote talk, I will discuss how achieving defense in depth has a significant component in configuration. In particular, we advocate configuring security requirements for various layers of software defenses (e.g., privilege separation, authorization, and auditing) and generating software and systems defenses that implement such configurations (mostly) automatically. I will focus mainly on the challenge of retrofitting software with authorization code automatically to demonstrate the configuration problems faced by the community, and discuss how we may leverage these lessons to configuring software and systems for defense in depth.