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Ricks, Brian, Tague, Patrick, Thuraisingham, Bhavani.  2021.  DDoS-as-a-Smokescreen: Leveraging Netflow Concurrency and Segmentation for Faster Detection. 2021 Third IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :217—224.
In the ever evolving Internet threat landscape, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks remain a popular means to invoke service disruption. DDoS attacks, however, have evolved to become a tool of deceit, providing a smokescreen or distraction while some other underlying attack takes place, such as data exfiltration. Knowing the intent of a DDoS, and detecting underlying attacks which may be present concurrently with it, is a challenging problem. An entity whose network is under a DDoS attack may not have the support personnel to both actively fight a DDoS and try to mitigate underlying attacks. Therefore, any system that can detect such underlying attacks should do so only with a high degree of confidence. Previous work utilizing flow aggregation techniques with multi-class anomaly detection showed promise in both DDoS detection and detecting underlying attacks ongoing during an active DDoS attack. In this work, we head in the opposite direction, utilizing flow segmentation and concurrent flow feature aggregation, with the primary goal of greatly reduced detection times of both DDoS and underlying attacks. Using the same multi-class anomaly detection approach, we show greatly improved detection times with promising detection performance.
Fernández, Maribel, Jaimunk, Jenjira, Thuraisingham, Bhavani.  2018.  Graph-Based Data-Collection Policies for the Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop. :9-16.

Smart industrial control systems (e.g., smart grid, oil and gas systems, transportation systems) are connected to the internet, and have the capability to collect and transmit data; as such, they are part of the IoT. The data collected can be used to improve services; however, there are serious privacy risks. This concern is usually addressed by means of privacy policies, but it is often difficult to understand the scope and consequences of such policies. Better tools to visualise and analyse data collection policies are needed. Graph-based modelling tools have been used to analyse complex systems in other domains. In this paper, we apply this technique to IoT data-collection policy analysis and visualisation. We describe graphical representations of category-based data collection policies and show that a graph-based policy language is a powerful tool not only to specify and visualise the policy, but also to analyse policy properties. We illustrate the approach with a simple example in the context of a chemical plant with a truck monitoring system. We also consider policy administration: we propose a classification of queries to help administrators analyse policies, and we show how the queries can be answered using our technique.

Fernández, Maribel, Kantarcioglu, Murat, Thuraisingham, Bhavani.  2016.  A Framework for Secure Data Collection and Management for Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 2Nd Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop. :30–37.

More and more current industrial control systems (e.g, smart grids, oil and gas systems, connected cars and trucks) have the capability to collect and transmit users' data in order to provide services that are tailored to the specific needs of the customers. Such smart industrial control systems fall into the category of Internet of Things (IoT). However, in many cases, the data transmitted by such IoT devices includes sensitive information and users are faced with an all-or-nothing choice: either they adopt the proposed services and release their private data, or refrain from using services which could be beneficial but pose significant privacy risks. Unfortunately, encryption alone does not solve the problem, though techniques to counter these privacy risks are emerging (e.g., by using applications that alter, merge or bundle data to ensure they cannot be linked to a particular user). In this paper, we propose a general framework, whereby users can not only specify how their data is managed, but also restrict data collection from their connected devices. More precisely, we propose to use data collection policies to govern the transmission of data from IoT devices, coupled with policies to ensure that once the data has been transmitted, it is stored and shared in a secure way. To achieve this goal, we have designed a framework for secure data collection, storage and management, with logical foundations that enable verification of policy properties.