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Bello, Oumarou Mamadou, Taiwe, Kolyang Dina.  2016.  Mesh Node Placement in Wireless Mesh Network Based on Multiobjective Evolutionary Metaheuristic. Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing. :59:1–59:6.

The necessity to deploy wireless mesh network is determined by the real world application requirements. WMN does not fit some application well due to latency issues and capacity related problem with paths having more than 2 hops. With the promising IEEE 802.11ac based device a better fairness for multi-hop communications are expected to support broadband application; the rate usually varies according to the link quality and network environment. Careful network planning can effectively improves the throughput and delay of the overall network. We provide model for the placement of router nodes as an optimization process to improve performance. Our aim is to propose a WMNs planning model based on multiobjective constraints like coverage, reliability, and cost of deployment. The bit rate guarantee therefore necessary to limit the number of stations connected to the access point; to takes into account delay and fairness of the network the user's behaviors are derived. We use a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based metaheuristic to evaluate the performance of our proposed placement algorithm.