Dynamic data race detectors are valuable tools for testing and validating concurrent software, but to achieve good performance they are typically implemented using sophisticated concurrent algorithms. Thus, they are ironically prone to the exact same kind of concurrency bugs they are designed to detect. To address these problems, we have developed VerifiedFT, a clean slate redesign of the FastTrack race detector [19]. The VerifiedFT analysis provides the same precision guarantee as FastTrack, but is simpler to implement correctly and efficiently, enabling us to mechanically verify an implementation of its core algorithm using CIVL [27]. Moreover, VerifiedFT provides these correctness guarantees without sacrificing any performance over current state-of-the-art (but complex and unverified) FastTrack implementations for Java.
To detect data races that harm production systems, program analysis must target production runs. However, sound and precise data race detection adds too much run-time overhead for use in production systems. Even existing approaches that provide soundness or precision incur significant limitations. This work addresses the need for soundness (no missed races) and precision (no false races) by introducing novel, efficient production-time analyses that address each need separately. (1) Precise data race detection is useful for developers, who want to fix bugs but loathe false positives. We introduce a precise analysis called RaceChaser that provides low, bounded run-time overhead. (2) Sound race detection benefits analyses and tools whose correctness relies on knowledge of all potential data races. We present a sound, efficient approach called Caper that combines static and dynamic analysis to catch all data races in observed runs. RaceChaser and Caper are useful not only on their own; we introduce a framework that combines these analyses, using Caper as a sound filter for precise data race detection by RaceChaser. Our evaluation shows that RaceChaser and Caper are efficient and effective, and compare favorably with existing state-of-the-art approaches. These results suggest that RaceChaser and Caper enable practical data race detection that is precise and sound, respectively, ultimately leading to more reliable software systems.
Concurrent programs are prone to various classes of difficult-to-detect faults, of which data races are particularly prevalent. Prior work has attempted to increase the cost-effectiveness of approaches for testing for data races by employing race detection techniques, but to date, no work has considered cost-effective approaches for re-testing for races as programs evolve. In this paper we present SimRT, an automated regression testing framework for use in detecting races introduced by code modifications. SimRT employs a regression test selection technique, focused on sets of program elements related to race detection, to reduce the number of test cases that must be run on a changed program to detect races that occur due to code modifications, and it employs a test case prioritization technique to improve the rate at which such races are detected. Our empirical study of SimRT reveals that it is more efficient and effective for revealing races than other approaches, and that its constituent test selection and prioritization components each contribute to its performance.
Concurrent programs are prone to various classes of difficult-to-detect faults, of which data races are particularly prevalent. Prior work has attempted to increase the cost-effectiveness of approaches for testing for data races by employing race detection techniques, but to date, no work has considered cost-effective approaches for re-testing for races as programs evolve. In this paper we present SimRT, an automated regression testing framework for use in detecting races introduced by code modifications. SimRT employs a regression test selection technique, focused on sets of program elements related to race detection, to reduce the number of test cases that must be run on a changed program to detect races that occur due to code modifications, and it employs a test case prioritization technique to improve the rate at which such races are detected. Our empirical study of SimRT reveals that it is more efficient and effective for revealing races than other approaches, and that its constituent test selection and prioritization components each contribute to its performance.