
Filters: Keyword is Model-Based Explanation For Human-in-the-Loop Security  [Clear All Filters]
Cámara, Javier, Moreno, Gabriel A., Garlan, David.  2020.  Reasoning about When to Provide Explanation for Human-in-the-loop Self-Adaptive Systems. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-organizing Systems (ACSOS).

Self-adaptive systems overcome many of the limitations of human supervision in complex software-intensive systems by endowing them with the ability to automatically adapt their structure and behavior in the presence of runtime changes. However, adaptation in some classes of systems (e.g., safetycritical) can benefit by receiving information from humans (e.g., acting as sophisticated sensors, decision-makers), or by involving them as system-level effectors to execute adaptations (e.g., when automation is not possible, or as a fallback mechanism). However, human participants are influenced by factors external to the system (e.g., training level, fatigue) that affect the likelihood of success when they perform a task, its duration, or even if they are willing to perform it in the first place. Without careful consideration of these factors, it is unclear how to decide when to involve humans in adaptation, and in which way. In this paper, we investigate how the explicit modeling of human participants can provide a better insight into the trade-offs of involving humans in adaptation. We contribute a formal framework to reason about human involvement in self-adaptation, focusing on the role of human participants as actors (i.e., effectors) during the execution stage of adaptation. The approach consists of: (i) a language to express adaptation models that capture factors affecting human behavior and its interactions with the system, and (ii) a formalization of these adaptation models as stochastic multiplayer games (SMGs) that can be used to analyze humansystem-environment interactions. We illustrate our approach in an adaptive industrial middleware used to monitor and manage sensor networks in renewable energy production plants.

Sukkerd, Roykrong, Simmons, Reid, Garlan, David.  2020.  Tradeoff-Focused Contrastive Explanation for MDP Planning. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication.

End-users’ trust in automated agents is important as automated decision-making and planning is increasingly used in many aspects of people’s lives. In real-world applications of planning, multiple optimization objectives are often involved. Thus, planning agents’ decisions can involve complex tradeoffs among competing objectives. It can be difficult for the end-users to understand why an agent decides on a particular planning solution on the basis of its objective values. As a result, the users may not know whether the agent is making the right decisions, and may lack trust in it. In this work, we contribute an approach, based on contrastive explanation, that enables a multi-objective MDP planning agent to explain its decisions in a way that communicates its tradeoff rationale in terms of the domain-level concepts. We conduct a human subjects experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of our explanation approach in a mobile robot navigation domain. The results show that our approach significantly improves the users’ understanding, and confidence in their understanding, of the tradeoff rationale of the planning agent.

ellin zhao, Roykrong Sukkerd.  2019.  Interactive Explanation for Planning-Based Systems. ICCPS '19 Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems. :322-323.

As Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) become more autonomous, it becomes harder for humans who interact with the CPSs to understand the behavior of the systems. Particularly for CPSs that must perform tasks while optimizing for multiple quality objectives and acting under uncertainty, it can be difficult for humans to understand the system behavior generated by an automated planner. This work-in-progress presents an approach at clarifying system behavior through interactive explanation by allowing end-users to ask Why and Why-Not questions about specific behaviors of the system, and providing answers in the form of contrastive explanation.

Cody Kinneer, Ryan Wagner, Fei Fang, Claire Le Goues, David Garlan.  2019.  Modeling Observability in Adaptive Systems to Defend Against Advanced Persistent Threats. 17th ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for System Design.

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are a particularly troubling challenge for software systems. The adversarial nature of the security domain, and APTs in particular, poses unresolved challenges to the design of self-* systems, such as how to defend against multiple types of attackers with different goals and capabilities. In this interaction, the observability of each side is an important and under-investigated issue in the self-* domain. We propose a model of APT defense that elevates observability as a first-class concern. We evaluate this model by showing how an informed approach that uses observability improves the defender's utility compared to a uniform random strategy, can enable robust planning through sensitivity analysis, and can inform observability-related architectural design decisions.

Wagner, Ryan, Garlan, David, Fredrikson, Matthew.  2018.  Quantitative underpinnings of secure, graceful degradation (Poster). HoTSoS '18 Proceedings of the 5th Annual Symposium and Bootcamp on Hot Topics in the Science of Security.

System administrators are slowly coming to accept that nearly all systems are vulnerable and many should be assumed to be compromised. Rather than preventing all vulnerabilities in complex systems, the approach is changing to protecting systems under the assumption that they are already under attack.

Administrators do not know all the latent vulnerabilities in the systems they are charged with protecting. This work builds on prior approaches that assume more a priori knowledge. [5]. Additionally, prior research does not necessarily guide administrators to gracefully degrade systems in response to threats [4]. Sophisticated attackers with high levels of resources, like advanced persistent threats (APTs), might use zero day exploits against novel vulnerabilities or be slow and stealthy to evade initial lines of detection.

However, defenders often have some knowledge of where attackers are. Additionally, it is possible to reasonably bound attacker resourcing. Exploits have a cost to create [1], and even the most sophisticated attacks use limited number of zero day exploits [3].

However, defenders need a way to reason about and react to the impact of an attacker with existing presence in a system. It may not be possible to maintain one hundred percent of the system's original utility; instead, the attacker might need to gracefully degrade the system, trading off some functional utility to keep an attacker away from the most critical functionality.

We propose a method to "think like an attacker" to evaluate architectures and alternatives in response to knowledge of attacker presence. For each considered alternative architecture, our approach determines the types of exploits an attacker would need to achieve particular attacks using the Datalog declarative logic programming language in a fashion that draws adapts others' prior work [2][4]. With knowledge of how difficult particular exploits are to create, we can approximate the cost to an attacker of a particular attack trace. A bounded search of traces within a limited cost provides a set of hypothetical attacks for a given architecture. These attacks have varying impacts to the system's ability to achieve its functions. Using this knowledge, our approach outputs an architectural alternative that optimally balances keeping an attacker away from critical functionality while preserving that functionality. In the process, it provides evidence in the form of hypothetical attack traces that can be used to explain the reasoning.

This thinking enables a defender to reason about how potential defensive tactics could close off avenues of attack or perhaps enable an ongoing attack. By thinking at the level of architecture, we avoid assumptions of knowledge of specific vulnerabilities. This enables reasoning in a highly uncertain domain.

We applied this to several small systems at varying levels of abstraction. These systems were chosen as exemplars of various "best practices" to see if the approach could quantitatively validate the underpinnings of general rules of thumb like using perimeter security or trading off resilience for security. Ultimately, our approach successfully places architectural components in places that correspond with current best practices and would be reasonable to system architects. In the process of applying the approach at different levels of abstraction, we were able to fine tune our understanding attacker movement through systems in a way that provides security-appropriate architectures despite poor knowledge of latent vulnerabilities; the result of the fine-tuning is a more granular way to understand and evaluate attacker movement in systems.

Future work will explore ways to enhance performance to this approach so it can provide real time planning to gracefully degrade systems as attacker knowledge is discovered. Additionally, we plan to explore ways to enhance expressiveness to the approach to address additional security related concerns; these might include aspects like timing and further levels of uncertainty.

Sukkerd, Roykrong, Simmons, Reid, Garlan, David.  2018.  Towards Explainable Multi-Objective Probabilistic Planning. 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS\'18).

Use of multi-objective probabilistic planning to synthesize behavior of CPSs can play an important role in engineering systems that must self-optimize for multiple quality objectives and operate under uncertainty. However, the reasoning behind automated planning is opaque to end-users. They may not understand why a particular behavior is generated, and therefore not be able to calibrate their confidence in the systems working properly. To address this problem, we propose a method to automatically generate verbal explanation of multi-objective probabilistic planning, that explains why a particular behavior is generated on the basis of the optimization objectives. Our explanation method involves describing objective values of a generated behavior and explaining any tradeoff made to reconcile competing objectives. We contribute: (i) an explainable planning representation that facilitates explanation generation, and (ii) an algorithm for generating contrastive justification as explanation for why a generated behavior is best with respect to the planning objectives. We demonstrate our approach on a mobile robot case study.

Cámara, Javier, Peng, Wenxin, Garlan, David, Schmerl, Bradley.  2018.  Reasoning about sensing uncertainty and its reduction in decision-making for self-adaptation. Science of Computer Programming. 167

Adaptive systems are expected to adapt to unanticipated run-time events using imperfect information about themselves, their environment, and goals. This entails handling the effects of uncertainties in decision-making, which are not always considered as a first-class concern. This paper contributes a formal analysis technique that explicitly considers uncertainty in sensing when reasoning about the best way to adapt, together with uncertainty reduction mechanisms to improve system utility. We illustrate our approach on a Denial of Service (DoS) attack scenario and present results that demonstrate the benefits of uncertainty-aware decision-making in comparison to using an uncertainty-ignorant approach, both in the presence and absence of uncertainty reduction mechanisms.