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Li, Chi, Zhou, Min, Gu, Zuxing, Gu, Ming, Zhang, Hongyu.  2019.  Ares: Inferring Error Specifications through Static Analysis. 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). :1174–1177.
Misuse of APIs happens frequently due to misunderstanding of API semantics and lack of documentation. An important category of API-related defects is the error handling defects, which may result in security and reliability flaws. These defects can be detected with the help of static program analysis, provided that error specifications are known. The error specification of an API function indicates how the function can fail. Writing error specifications manually is time-consuming and tedious. Therefore, automatic inferring the error specification from API usage code is preferred. In this paper, we present Ares, a tool for automatic inferring error specifications for C code through static analysis. We employ multiple heuristics to identify error handling blocks and infer error specifications by analyzing the corresponding condition logic. Ares is evaluated on 19 real world projects, and the results reveal that Ares outperforms the state-of-the-art tool APEx by 37% in precision. Ares can also identify more error specifications than APEx. Moreover, the specifications inferred from Ares help find dozens of API-related bugs in well-known projects such as OpenSSL, among them 10 bugs are confirmed by developers. Video: Repository:
Liu, Kui, Koyuncu, Anil, Kim, Dongsun, Bissyandè, Tegawende F..  2019.  AVATAR: Fixing Semantic Bugs with Fix Patterns of Static Analysis Violations. 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :1–12.
Fix pattern-based patch generation is a promising direction in Automated Program Repair (APR). Notably, it has been demonstrated to produce more acceptable and correct patches than the patches obtained with mutation operators through genetic programming. The performance of pattern-based APR systems, however, depends on the fix ingredients mined from fix changes in development histories. Unfortunately, collecting a reliable set of bug fixes in repositories can be challenging. In this paper, we propose to investigate the possibility in an APR scenario of leveraging code changes that address violations by static bug detection tools. To that end, we build the AVATAR APR system, which exploits fix patterns of static analysis violations as ingredients for patch generation. Evaluated on the Defects4J benchmark, we show that, assuming a perfect localization of faults, AVATAR can generate correct patches to fix 34/39 bugs. We further find that AVATAR yields performance metrics that are comparable to that of the closely-related approaches in the literature. While AVATAR outperforms many of the state-of-the-art pattern-based APR systems, it is mostly complementary to current approaches. Overall, our study highlights the relevance of static bug finding tools as indirect contributors of fix ingredients for addressing code defects identified with functional test cases.
Ibrahim, Ahmed, El-Ramly, Mohammad, Badr, Amr.  2019.  Beware of the Vulnerability! How Vulnerable are GitHub's Most Popular PHP Applications? 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). :1–7.
The presence of software vulnerabilities is a serious threat to any software project. Exploiting them can compromise system availability, data integrity, and confidentiality. Unfortunately, many open source projects go for years with undetected ready-to-exploit critical vulnerabilities. In this study, we investigate the presence of software vulnerabilities in open source projects and the factors that influence this presence. We analyzed the top 100 open source PHP applications in GitHub using a static analysis vulnerability scanner to examine how common software vulnerabilities are. We also discussed which vulnerabilities are most present and what factors contribute to their presence. We found that 27% of these projects are insecure, with a median number of 3 vulnerabilities per vulnerable project. We found that the most common type is injection vulnerabilities, which made 58% of all detected vulnerabilities. Out of these, cross-site scripting (XSS) was the most common and made 43.5% of all vulnerabilities found. Statistical analysis revealed that project activities like branching, pulling, and committing have a moderate positive correlation with the number of vulnerabilities in the project. Other factors like project popularity, number of releases, and number of issues had almost no influence on the number of vulnerabilities. We recommend that open source project owners should set secure code development guidelines for their project members and establish secure code reviews as part of the project's development process.
Farhadi, M., Haddad, H., Shahriar, H..  2019.  Compliance Checking of Open Source EHR Applications for HIPAA and ONC Security and Privacy Requirements. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:704–713.
Electronic Health Record (EHR) applications are digital versions of paper-based patient's health information. They are increasingly adopted to improved quality in healthcare, such as convenient access to histories of patient medication and clinic visits, easier follow up of patient treatment plans, and precise medical decision-making process. EHR applications are guided by measures of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Furthermore, Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology (HIT) certification criteria for usability of EHRs. A compliance checking approach attempts to identify whether or not an adopted EHR application meets the security and privacy criteria. There is no study in the literature to understand whether traditional static code analysis-based vulnerability discovered can assist in compliance checking of regulatory requirements of HIPAA and ONC. This paper attempts to address this issue. We identify security and privacy requirements for HIPAA technical requirements, and identify a subset of ONC criteria related to security and privacy, and then evaluate EHR applications for security vulnerabilities. Finally propose mitigation of security issues towards better compliance and to help practitioners reuse open source tools towards certification compliance.
Qin, Peng, Tan, Cheng, Zhao, Lei, Cheng, Yueqiang.  2019.  Defending against ROP Attacks with Nearly Zero Overhead. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1–6.
Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) is a sophisticated exploitation technique that is able to drive target applications to perform arbitrary unintended operations by constructing a gadget chain reusing existing small code sequences (gadgets) collected across the entire code space. In this paper, we propose to address ROP attacks from a different angle-shrinking available code space at runtime. We present ROPStarvation , a generic and transparent ROP countermeasure that defend against all types of ROP attacks with almost zero run-time overhead. ROPStarvation does not aim to completely stop ROP attacks, instead it attempts to significantly increase the bar by decreasing the possibility of launching a successful ROP exploit in reality. Moreover, shrinking available code space at runtime is lightweight that makes ROPStarvation practical for being deployed with high performance requirement. Results show that ROPStarvation successfully reduces the code space of target applications by 85%. With the reduced code segments, ROPStarvation decreases the probability of building a valid ROP gadget chain by 100% and 83% respectively, with the assumptions that whether the adversary knows the vulnerable applications are protected by ROPStarvation . Evaluations on the SPEC CPU2006 benchmark show that ROPStarvation introduces nearly zero (0.2% on average) run-time performance overhead.
Gu, Zuxing, Wu, Jiecheng, Liu, Jiaxiang, Zhou, Min, Gu, Ming.  2019.  An Empirical Study on API-Misuse Bugs in Open-Source C Programs. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 1:11—20.
Today, large and complex software is developed with integrated components using application programming interfaces (APIs). Correct usage of APIs in practice presents a challenge due to implicit constraints, such as call conditions or call orders. API misuse, i.e., violation of these constraints, is a well-known source of bugs, some of which can cause serious security vulnerabilities. Although researchers have developed many API-misuse detectors over the last two decades, recent studies show that API misuses are still prevalent. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive empirical study on API-misuse bugs in open-source C programs. To understand the nature of API misuses in practice, we analyze 830 API-misuse bugs from six popular programs across different domains. For all the studied bugs, we summarize their root causes, fix patterns and usage statistics. Furthermore, to understand the capabilities and limitations of state-of-the-art static analysis detectors for API-misuse detection, we develop APIMU4C, a dataset of API-misuse bugs in C code based on our empirical study results, and evaluate three widely-used detectors on it qualitatively and quantitatively. We share all the findings and present possible directions towards more powerful API-misuse detectors.
Pathak, Abhishek, Sivakumar, Kaarthik, Haque, Mazhar, Ganesan, Prasanna.  2019.  Multi-Cluster Visualization and Live Reporting of Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) Warnings. 2019 IEEE Cybersecurity Development (SecDev). :145–145.
This short paper discusses a case study of multi cluster visualization of Static Analysis Security Testing (SAST) warnings in large clusters catering to a majority of Cisco products in hierarchical organizational and checker views. This serves as a one stop shop for real-time visualization of Static Analysis (SA) warning trends, chart, downloading reports, and to effectively address the potential security weaknesses detected. Presently leading SAST tools like Coverity, codesonar, Klocwork etc do not provide inter-cluster or enterprise-wide visualization to effectively address the SA warnings.
Altamimi, Abdulaziz, Clarke, Nathan, Furnell, Steven, Li, Fudong.  2019.  Multi-Platform Authorship Verification. Proceedings of the Third Central European Cybersecurity Conference. :1–7.
At the present time, there has been a rapid increase in the variety and popularity of messaging systems such as social network messaging, text messages, email and Twitter, with users frequently exchanging messages across various platforms. Unfortunately, in amongst the legitimate messages, there is a host of illegitimate and inappropriate content - with cyber stalking, trolling and computerassisted crime all taking place. Therefore, there is a need to identify individuals using messaging systems. Stylometry is the study of linguistic features in a text which consists of verifying an author based on his writing style that consists of checking whether a target text was written or not by a specific individual author. Whilst much research has taken place within authorship verification, studies have focused upon singular platforms, often had limited datasets and restricted methodologies that have meant it is difficult to appreciate the real-world value of the approach. This paper seeks to overcome these limitations through providing an analysis of authorship verification across four common messaging systems. This approach enables a direct comparison of recognition performance and provides a basis for analyzing the feature vectors across platforms to better understand what aspects each capitalize upon in order to achieve good classification. The experiments also include an investigation into the feature vector creation, utilizing population and user-based techniques to compare and contrast performance. The experiment involved 50 participants across four common platforms with a total 13,617; 106,359; 4,539; and 6,540 samples for Twitter, SMS, Facebook, and Email achieving an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 20.16%, 7.97%, 25% and 13.11% respectively.
Takahashi, Hironao, Lakhani, Uzair.  2019.  Multiple Layered Security Analyses Method for Cryptocurrency Exchange Servicers. 2019 IEEE 8th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE). :71–73.
Internet is a common method of trading business today. The usage of cryptocurrencies has increased these days and it has become a trend to utilize them. Cryptocurrency exchange servicers provide different smartphone apps that unfortunately may become the target of malicious attacks. This paper focuses on how it achieves highest security and proposes the multiple layered security analyses method for cryptocurrency exchange servicers.
Sachidananda, Vinay, Bhairav, Suhas, Ghosh, Nirnay, Elovici, Yuval.  2019.  PIT: A Probe Into Internet of Things by Comprehensive Security Analysis. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :522–529.
One of the major issues which are hindering widespread and seamless adoption of Internet of Thing (IoT) is security. The IoT devices are vulnerable and susceptible to attacks which became evident from a series of recent large-scale distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, leading to substantial business and financial losses. Furthermore, in order to find vulnerabilities in IoT, there is a lack of comprehensive security analysis framework. In this paper, we present a modular, adaptable and tunable framework, called PIT, to probe IoT systems at different layers of design and implementation. PIT consists of several security analysis engines, viz., penetration testing, fuzzing, static analysis, and dynamic analysis and an exploitation engine to discover multiple IoT vulnerabilities, respectively. We also develop a novel grey-box fuzzer, called Applica, as a part of the fuzzing engine to overcome the limitations of the present day fuzzers. The proposed framework has been evaluated on a real-world IoT testbed comprising of the state-of-the-art devices. We discovered several network and system-level vulnerabilities such as Buffer Overflow, Denial-of-Service, SQL Injection, etc., and successfully exploited them to demonstrate the presence of security loopholes in the IoT devices.
Ko, Ju-Seong, Jo, Jeong-Seok, Kim, Deuk-Hun, Choi, Seul-Ki, Kwak, Jin.  2019.  Real Time Android Ransomware Detection by Analyzed Android Applications. 2019 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). :1–5.
Recently, damage caused by ransomware has been increasing in PC and Android environments. There are many studies into real-time ransomware detection because the most important time to prevent encryption is before ransomware is able to execute its malicious process. Traditional analyses determine an application is ransomware or not by static/dynamic methods. Those analyses can serve as components of a method to detect ransomware in real time. However, problems can occur such as the inability to detect new/variant/unknown ransomware. These types require signed patches from a trusted party that can only be created after attacks occur. In a previous study into realtime new/variant/unknown ransomware detection in a PC environment, important files are monitored and only programs that have been previously analyzed and evaluated as nonmalicious are allowed. As such, programs that have not been analyzed are restricted from accessing important files. In an Android environment, this method can be applied using Android applications to prevent emerging threats and verify consistency with user intent. Thus, this paper proposes a method of detecting new/variant/unknown ransomware in real time in an Android environment.
Samantray, Om Prakash, Tripathy, Satya Narayan, Das, Susanta Kumar.  2019.  A study to Understand Malware Behavior through Malware Analysis. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–5.
Most of the malware detection techniques use malware signatures for detection. It is easy to detect known malicious program in a system but the problem arises when the malware is unknown. Because, unknown malware cannot be detected by using available known malware signatures. Signature based detection techniques fails to detect unknown and zero-day attacks. A novel approach is required to represent malware features effectively to detect obfuscated, unknown, and mutated malware. This paper emphasizes malware behavior, characteristics and properties extracted by different analytic techniques and to decide whether to include them to create behavioral based malware signature. We have made an attempt to understand the malware behavior using a few openly available tools for malware analysis.
Zhang, Yanmiao, Ji, Xiaoyu, Cheng, Yushi, Xu, Wenyuan.  2019.  Vulnerability Detection for Smart Grid Devices via Static Analysis. 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :8915–8919.
As a modern power transmission network, smart grid connects abundant terminal devices and plays an important role in our daily life. However, along with its growth are the security threats. Different from the separated environment previously, an adversary nowadays can destroy the power system by attacking its terminal devices. As a result, it's critical to ensure the security and safety of terminal devices. To achieve it, detecting the pre-existing vulnerabilities in the terminal program and enhancing its security, are of great importance and necessity. In this paper, we introduce Cker, a novel vulnerability detection tool for smart grid devices, which generates an program model based on device sources and sets rules to perform model checking. We utilize the static analysis to extract necessary information and build corresponding program models. By further checking the model with pre-defined vulnerability patterns, we achieve security detection and error reporting. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method can effectively detect vulnerabilities in smart devices with an acceptable accuracy and false positive rate. In addition, as Cker is realized by pure python, it can be easily scaled to other platforms.
Pfeffer, Tobias, Göthel, Thomas, Glesner, Sabine.  2019.  Automatic Analysis of Critical Sections for Efficient Secure Multi-Execution. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). :318–325.

Enforcement of hypersafety security policies such as noninterference can be achieved through Secure Multi-Execution (SME). While this is typically very resource-intensive, more efficient solutions such as Demand-Driven Secure Multi-Execution (DDSME) exist. Here, the resource requirements are reduced by restricting multi-execution enforcement to critical sections in the code. However, the current solution requires manual binary analysis. In this paper, we propose a fully automatic critical section analysis. Our analysis extracts a context-sensitive boundary of all nodes that handle information from the reachability relation implied by the control-flow graph. We also provide evaluation results, demonstrating the correctness and acceleration of DDSME with our analysis.

Ashfaq, Qirat, Khan, Rimsha, Farooq, Sehrish.  2019.  A Comparative Analysis of Static Code Analysis Tools That Check Java Code Adherence to Java Coding Standards. 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE). :98–103.

Java programming language is considered highly important due to its extensive use in the development of web, desktop as well as handheld devices applications. Implementing Java Coding standards on Java code has great importance as it creates consistency and as a result better development and maintenance. Finding bugs and standard's violations is important at an early stage of software development than at a later stage when the change becomes impossible or too expensive. In the paper, some tools and research work done on Coding Standard Analyzers is reviewed. These tools are categorized based on the type of rules they cheeked, namely: style, concurrency, exceptions, and quality, security, dependency and general methods of static code analysis. Finally, list of Java Coding Standards Enforcing Tools are analyzed against certain predefined parameters that are limited by the scope of research paper under study. This review will provide the basis for selecting a static code analysis tool that enforce International Java Coding Standards such as the Rule of Ten and the JPL Coding Standards. Such tools have great importance especially in the development of mission/safety critical system. This work can be very useful for developers in selecting a good tool for Java code analysis, according to their requirements.

Ying, Huan, Zhang, Yanmiao, Han, Lifang, Cheng, Yushi, Li, Jiyuan, Ji, Xiaoyu, Xu, Wenyuan.  2019.  Detecting Buffer-Overflow Vulnerabilities in Smart Grid Devices via Automatic Static Analysis. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :813-817.

As a modern power transmission network, smart grid connects plenty of terminal devices. However, along with the growth of devices are the security threats. Different from the previous separated environment, an adversary nowadays can destroy the power system by attacking these devices. Therefore, it's critical to ensure the security and safety of terminal devices. To achieve this goal, detecting the pre-existing vulnerabilities of the device program and enhance the terminal security, are of great importance and necessity. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that detects existing buffer-overflow vulnerabilities of terminal devices via automatic static analysis (ASA). We utilize the static analysis to extract the device program information and build corresponding program models. By further matching the generated program model with pre-defined vulnerability patterns, we achieve vulnerability detection and error reporting. The evaluation results demonstrate that our method can effectively detect buffer-overflow vulnerabilities of smart terminals with a high accuracy and a low false positive rate.

Marin, M\u ad\u alina Angelica, Carabas, Costin, Deaconescu, R\u azvan, T\u apus, Nicolae.  2019.  Proactive Secure Coding for iOS Applications. 2019 18th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1–5.

In this paper we propose a solution to support iOS developers in creating better applications, to use static analysis to investigate source code and detect secure coding issues while simultaneously pointing out good practices and/or secure APIs they should use.

Khatchadourian, R., Tang, Y., Bagherzadeh, M., Ahmed, S..  2019.  Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams. 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :619-630.

Streaming APIs are becoming more pervasive in mainstream Object-Oriented programming languages. For example, the Stream API introduced in Java 8 allows for functional-like, MapReduce-style operations in processing both finite and infinite data structures. However, using this API efficiently involves subtle considerations like determining when it is best for stream operations to run in parallel, when running operations in parallel can be less efficient, and when it is safe to run in parallel due to possible lambda expression side-effects. In this paper, we present an automated refactoring approach that assists developers in writing efficient stream code in a semantics-preserving fashion. The approach, based on a novel data ordering and typestate analysis, consists of preconditions for automatically determining when it is safe and possibly advantageous to convert sequential streams to parallel and unorder or de-parallelize already parallel streams. The approach was implemented as a plug-in to the Eclipse IDE, uses the WALA and SAFE analysis frameworks, and was evaluated on 11 Java projects consisting of ?642K lines of code. We found that 57 of 157 candidate streams (36.31%) were refactorable, and an average speedup of 3.49 on performance tests was observed. The results indicate that the approach is useful in optimizing stream code to their full potential.

Rahman, Md Rayhanur, Rahman, Akond, Williams, Laurie.  2019.  Share, But Be Aware: Security Smells in Python Gists. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :536–540.

Github Gist is a service provided by Github which is used by developers to share code snippets. While sharing, developers may inadvertently introduce security smells in code snippets as well, such as hard-coded passwords. Security smells are recurrent coding patterns that are indicative of security weaknesses, which could potentially lead to security breaches. The goal of this paper is to help software practitioners avoid insecure coding practices through an empirical study of security smells in publicly-available GitHub Gists. Through static analysis, we found 13 types of security smells with 4,403 occurrences in 5,822 publicly-available Python Gists. 1,817 of those Gists, which is around 31%, have at least one security smell including 689 instances of hard-coded secrets. We also found no significance relation between the presence of these security smells and the reputation of the Gist author. Based on our findings, we advocate for increased awareness and rigorous code review efforts related to software security for Github Gists so that propagation of insecure coding practices are mitigated.

Ijaz, M., Durad, M. H., Ismail, M..  2019.  Static and Dynamic Malware Analysis Using Machine Learning. 2019 16th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST). :687–691.

Malware detection is an indispensable factor in security of internet oriented machines. The combinations of different features are used for dynamic malware analysis. The different combinations are generated from APIs, Summary Information, DLLs and Registry Keys Changed. Cuckoo sandbox is used for dynamic malware analysis, which is customizable, and provide good accuracy. More than 2300 features are extracted from dynamic analysis of malware and 92 features are extracted statically from binary malware using PEFILE. Static features are extracted from 39000 malicious binaries and 10000 benign files. Dynamically 800 benign files and 2200 malware files are analyzed in Cuckoo Sandbox and 2300 features are extracted. The accuracy of dynamic malware analysis is 94.64% while static analysis accuracy is 99.36%. The dynamic malware analysis is not effective due to tricky and intelligent behaviours of malwares. The dynamic analysis has some limitations due to controlled network behavior and it cannot be analyzed completely due to limited access of network.

Cheng, Xiao, Wang, Haoyu, Hua, Jiayi, Zhang, Miao, Xu, Guoai, Yi, Li, Sui, Yulei.  2019.  Static Detection of Control-Flow-Related Vulnerabilities Using Graph Embedding. 2019 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS). :41–50.

Static vulnerability detection has shown its effectiveness in detecting well-defined low-level memory errors. However, high-level control-flow related (CFR) vulnerabilities, such as insufficient control flow management (CWE-691), business logic errors (CWE-840), and program behavioral problems (CWE-438), which are often caused by a wide variety of bad programming practices, posing a great challenge for existing general static analysis solutions. This paper presents a new deep-learning-based graph embedding approach to accurate detection of CFR vulnerabilities. Our approach makes a new attempt by applying a recent graph convolutional network to embed code fragments in a compact and low-dimensional representation that preserves high-level control-flow information of a vulnerable program. We have conducted our experiments using 8,368 real-world vulnerable programs by comparing our approach with several traditional static vulnerability detectors and state-of-the-art machine-learning-based approaches. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach in terms of both accuracy and recall. Our research has shed light on the promising direction of combining program analysis with deep learning techniques to address the general static analysis challenges.

Zhu, Lipeng, Fu, Xiaotong, Yao, Yao, Zhang, Yuqing, Wang, He.  2019.  FIoT: Detecting the Memory Corruption in Lightweight IoT Device Firmware. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :248–255.
The IoT industry has developed rapidly in recent years, which has attracted the attention of security researchers. However, the researchers are hampered by the wide variety of IoT device operating systems and their hardware architectures. Especially for the lightweight IoT devices, many manufacturers do not provide the device firmware images, embedded firmware source code or even the develop documents. As a result, it hinders traditional static analysis and dynamic analysis techniques. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic analysis framework, called FIoT, which aims at finding memory corruption vulnerabilities in lightweight IoT device firmware images. The key idea is dynamically run the binary code snippets through symbolic execution with carrying out a fuzzing test. Specifically, we generate code snippets through traversing the control-flow graph (CFG) in a backward manner. We improved the CFG recovery approach and backward slice approach for better performance. To reduce the influence of the binary firmware, FIoT leverages loading address determination analysis and library function identification approach. We have implemented a prototype of FIoT and conducted experiments. Our results show that FIoT can complete the Fuzzing test within 40 seconds in average. Considering 170 seconds for static analysis, FIoT can load and analyze a lightweight IoT firmware within 210 seconds in total. Furthermore, we illustrate the effectiveness of FIoT by applying it over 115 firmware images from 17 manufacturers. We have found 35 images exist memory corruptions, which are all zero-day vulnerabilities.
Gliksberg, J., Capra, A., Louvet, A., García, P. J., Sohier, D..  2019.  High-Quality Fault-Resiliency in Fat-Tree Networks (Extended Abstract). 2019 IEEE Symposium on High-Performance Interconnects (HOTI). :9—12.
Coupling regular topologies with optimized routing algorithms is key in pushing the performance of interconnection networks of HPC systems. In this paper we present Dmodc, a fast deterministic routing algorithm for Parallel Generalized Fat-Trees (PGFTs) which minimizes congestion risk even under massive topology degradation caused by equipment failure. It applies a modulo-based computation of forwarding tables among switches closer to the destination, using only knowledge of subtrees for pre-modulo division. Dmodc allows complete re-routing of topologies with tens of thousands of nodes in less than a second, which greatly helps centralized fabric management react to faults with high-quality routing tables and no impact to running applications in current and future very large-scale HPC clusters. We compare Dmodc against routing algorithms available in the InfiniBand control software (OpenSM) first for routing execution time to show feasibility at scale, and then for congestion risk under degradation to demonstrate robustness. The latter comparison is done using static analysis of routing tables under random permutation (RP), shift permutation (SP) and all-to-all (A2A) traffic patterns. Results for Dmodc show A2A and RP congestion risks similar under heavy degradation as the most stable algorithms compared, and near-optimal SP congestion risk up to 1% of random degradation.
Li, Zhangtan, Cheng, Liang, Zhang, Yang.  2019.  Tracking Sensitive Information and Operations in Integrated Clinical Environment. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :192–199.
Integrated Clinical Environment (ICE) is a standardized framework for achieving device interoperability in medical cyber-physical systems. The ICE utilizes high-level supervisory apps and a low-level communication middleware to coordinate medical devices. The need to design complex ICE systems that are both safe and effective has presented numerous challenges, including interoperability, context-aware intelligence, security and privacy. In this paper, we present a data flow analysis framework for the ICE systems. The framework performs the combination of static and dynamic analysis for the sensitive data and operations in the ICE systems. Our experiments demonstrate that the data flow analysis framework can record how the medical devices transmit sensitive data and perform misuse detection by tracing the runtime context of the sensitive operations.
Puccetti, Armand.  2019.  The European H2020 project VESSEDIA (Verification Engineering of Safety and SEcurity critical Dynamic Industrial Applications). 2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :588—591.

This paper presents an overview of the H2020 project VESSEDIA [9] aimed at verifying the security and safety of modern connected systems also called IoT. The originality relies in using Formal Methods inherited from high-criticality applications domains to analyze the source code at different levels of intensity, to gather possible faults and weaknesses. The analysis methods are mostly exhaustive an guarantee that, after analysis, the source code of the application is error-free. This paper is structured as follows: after an introductory section 1 giving some factual data, section 2 presents the aims and the problems addressed; section 3 describes the project's use-cases and section 4 describes the proposed approach for solving these problems and the results achieved until now; finally, section 5 discusses some remaining future work.