Visible to the public GF(2n) bit-parallel squarer using generalised polynomial basis for new class of irreducible pentanomials

TitleGF(2n) bit-parallel squarer using generalised polynomial basis for new class of irreducible pentanomials
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsXi Xiong, Haining Fan
JournalElectronics Letters
Date PublishedApril
Keywordsgate delay, generalised polynomial basis, GF(2n) bit-parallel squarer, irreducible pentanomial, Logic gates, polynomials, XOR gate

Explicit formulae and complexities of bit-parallel GF(2n) squarers for a new class of irreducible pentanomials xn + xn-1 + xk + x + 1, where n is odd and 1 <; k <; (n - 1)/2 are presented. The squarer is based on the generalised polynomial basis of GF(2n). Its gate delay matches the best results, whereas its XOR gate complexity is n + 1, which is only about two thirds of the current best results.

Citation Key6809279