Visible to the public A Kind of Identity Authentication under Cloud Computing Environment

TitleA Kind of Identity Authentication under Cloud Computing Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMiao Yingkai, Chen Jia
Conference NameIntelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA), 2014 7th International Conference on
Date PublishedOct
Keywordsaudit stage, authentication, authorisation, authorization stage, biometric encryption, cloud computing, cloud computing environment, Encryption, encryption technology, homomorphism, homomorphism technology, identity authentication, identity authentication scheme, public key cryptography, register and training template stage, Servers, Spectrogram, Training, voice login and authentication stage, voice technology

An identity authentication scheme is proposed combining with biometric encryption, public key cryptography of homomorphism and predicate encryption technology under the cloud computing environment. Identity authentication scheme is proposed based on the voice and homomorphism technology. The scheme is divided into four stages, register and training template stage, voice login and authentication stage, authorization stage, and audit stage. The results prove the scheme has certain advantages in four aspects.

Citation Key7003473