Visible to the public Simulation Debugging and Visualization in the Mobius Modeling FrameworkConflict Detection Enabled

TitleSimulation Debugging and Visualization in the Mobius Modeling Framework
Publication TypeThesis
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCraig Buchanan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Academic DepartmentDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering
UniversityUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
CityUrbana, IL

Large and complex models can be difficult to analyze using static analysis results from current tools, including the M"obius modeling framework, which provides a powerful, formalism- independent, discrete-event simulator that outputs static results such as execution traces. The M"obius Simulation Debugger and Visualization (MSDV) feature adds user interaction to running simulations to provide a more transparent view into the dynamics of the models under consideration. This thesis discusses the details of the design and implementation of this feature in the M"obius modeling environment. Also, a case study is presented to demonstrate the new capabilities provided by the feature.

Citation Keynode-23455

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Simulation Debugging and Visualization in the Mobius Modeling Framework
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