Visible to the public Euclidean Model Checking: A Scalable Method for Verifying Quantitative Properties in Probabilistic SystemsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleEuclidean Model Checking: A Scalable Method for Verifying Quantitative Properties in Probabilistic Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsGul Agha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Conference Name5th International Conference on Algebraic Informatics
Conference LocationCote d’Azur, France

In this lecture, I will focus on an alternate method for addressing the problem of large state spaces. For many purposes, it may not be necessary to consider the global state as a cross-product of the states of individual actors. We take our inspiration from statistical physics where macro properties of a system may be related to the properties of individual molecules using probability distributions on the states of the latter. Consider a simple example. Suppose associated with each state is the amount of energy a node consumes when in that state (such an associated value mapping is called the reward function of the state). Now, if we have a frequency count of the nodes in each state, we can estimate the total energy consumed by the system. This suggests a model where the global state is a vector of probability mass functions (pmfs). In the above example, the size of the vector would be 5, one element for each possible state of a node. Each element of the vector represents the probability that any node is in the particular state corresponding to entry.


This was an invited talk to the 5th International Conference on Algebraic Informatics.

Citation Keynode-23571
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