Visible to the public Beliefs about Cybersecurity Rules and Passwords: A Comparison of Two Survey Samples of Cybersecurity Professionals Verses Regular UsersConflict Detection Enabled

TitleBeliefs about Cybersecurity Rules and Passwords: A Comparison of Two Survey Samples of Cybersecurity Professionals Verses Regular Users
Publication TypePresentation
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsRoss Koppel, University of Pennsylvania, Jim Blythe, University of Southern California, Vijay Kothari, Dartmouth College, Sean Smith, Dartmouth College
KeywordsNSA SoS Lablets Materials, Science of Human Circumvention of Security, science of security, UIUC

Presented at the Science of Security Quarterly Meeting, July 2016.

Citation Keynode-30399

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10 SoS Quarterly Meeting July2016 Koppel