Visible to the public Experiences with Wellness Ring and Bracelet Form Factor

TitleExperiences with Wellness Ring and Bracelet Form Factor
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLappalainen, Tuomas, Virtanen, Lasse, Häkkilä, Jonna
Conference NameProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
Date PublishedDecember 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4860-7
Keywordsactivity tracking, bracelet, industrial design, pubcrawl170201, ring, user studies, wearable computing, wellness

This paper explores experiences with ring and bracelet activity tracker form factors. During the first week of a 2-week field study participants (n=6) wore non-functional mock-ups of ring and bracelet wellness trackers, and provided feedback on their experiences. During the second week, participants used a commercial wellness tracking ring, which collected physical exercise and sleep data and visualized it in a mobile application. Our salient findings based on 196 user diary entries suggest, that the ring form factor is considered beautiful, aesthetic and contributing to the wearer's image. However, the bracelet form factor is more practical for active lifestyle, and preferred in situations where the hands are performing tasks requiring gripping objects, such as sport activities, cleaning the car, cooking and washing dishes. Users strongly identified the ring form factor as jewellery that is intended to be seen, whereas bracelets were considered hidden and inconspicuous elements of the user's ensemble.

Citation Keylappalainen_experiences_2016