Visible to the public Exploring SCI As Means of Interaction Through the Design Case of Vacuum Cleaning

TitleExploring SCI As Means of Interaction Through the Design Case of Vacuum Cleaning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLegaard, Lasse, Thomsen, Josephine Raun, Lorentzen, Christian Hannesbo, Techen, Jonas Peter
Conference NameProceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction
Date PublishedFebruary 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-3582-9
KeywordsDesign Research, Home appliances, Prototyping, pubcrawl170201, Shape Changing Interfaces

This paper explores the opportunities for incorporating shape changing properties into everyday home appliances. Throughout a design research approach the vacuum cleaner is used as a design case with the overall aim of enhancing the user experience by transforming the appliance into a sensing object. Three fully functional prototypes were developed in order to illustrate how shape change can fit into the context of our homes. The shape changing functionalities are: 1) a digital power button that supports dynamic affordances, 2) an analog handle that mediates the amount of dust particles through haptic feedback and 3) a body that behaves in a lifelike manner dependent on the user treatment. We report the development and implementation of the functional prototypes as well as technical limitations and initial user reactions on the prototypes.

Citation Keylegaard_exploring_2016