Visible to the public Effa: A proM Plugin for Recovering Event Logs

TitleEffa: A proM Plugin for Recovering Event Logs
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsXia, Xiaoxu, Song, Wei, Chen, Fangfei, Li, Xuansong, Zhang, Pengcheng
Conference NameProceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Internetware
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4829-4
Keywordsevent logs, minimum recovery, process decomposition, proM, pubcrawl170201, trace replaying

While event logs generated by business processes play an increasingly significant role in business analysis, the quality of data remains a serious problem. Automatic recovery of dirty event logs is desirable and thus receives more attention. However, existing methods only focus on missing event recovery, or fall short of efficiency. To this end, we present Effa, a ProM plugin, to automatically recover event logs in the light of process specifications. Based on advanced heuristics including process decomposition and trace replaying to search the minimum recovery, Effa achieves a balance between repairing accuracy and efficiency.

Citation Keyxia_effa:_2016