Visible to the public Integrating Human Behavior Into the Development of Future Cyberterrorism Scenarios

TitleIntegrating Human Behavior Into the Development of Future Cyberterrorism Scenarios
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKilger, M.
Conference Name2015 10th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
Date PublishedAug. 2015
ISBN Number978-1-4673-6590-1
KeywordsComputer crime, Computer hacking, cyber threats, cyberterrorism, cyberterrorism scenarios, digital technologies, Human Behavior, human factors, motivation, Organizations, Predictive models, psychological, psychological force, psychology, pubcrawl170109, scenario, Social, social force, Terrorism

The development of future cyber terrorism scenarios is a key component in building a more comprehensive understanding of cyber threats that are likely to emerge in the near-to mid-term future. While developing concepts of likely new, emerging digital technologies is an important part of this process, this article suggests that understanding the psychological and social forces involved in cyber terrorism is also a key component in the analysis and that the synergy of these two dimensions may produce more accurate and detailed future cyber threat scenarios than either analytical element alone.

Citation Keykilger_integrating_2015