Visible to the public Automatized Derivation of Comprehensive Specifications for Black-box Services

TitleAutomatized Derivation of Comprehensive Specifications for Black-box Services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsSchwichtenberg, Simon, Engels, Gregor
Conference NameProceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4205-6
Keywordsblack box, black box encryption, composability, cryptography, Encryption, Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency

Today, cloud vendors host third party black-box services, whose developers usually provide only textual descriptions or purely syntactical interface specifications. Cloud vendors that give substantial support to other third party developers to integrate hosted services into new software solutions would have a unique selling feature over their competitors. However, to reliably determine if a service is reusable, comprehensive service specifications are needed. Characteristic for comprehensive in contrast to syntactical specifications are the formalization of ontological and behavioral semantics, homogeneity according to a global ontology, and a service grounding that links the abstract service description and its technical realization. Homogeneous, semantical specifications enable to reliably identify reusable services, whereas the service grounding is needed for the technical service integration. In general, comprehensive specifications are not available and have to be derived. Existing automatized approaches are restricted to certain characteristics of comprehensiveness. In my PhD, I consider an automatized approach to derive fully-fledged comprehensive specifications for black-box services. Ontological semantics are derived from syntactical interface specifications. Behavioral semantics are mined from call logs that cloud vendors create to monitor the hosted services. The specifications are harmonized over a global ontology. The service grounding is established using traceability information. The approach enables third party developers to compose services into complex systems and creates new sales channels for cloud and service providers.

Citation Keyschwichtenberg_automatized_2016