Visible to the public Visual Text Analytics for Online Conversations: Design, Evaluation, and Applications

TitleVisual Text Analytics for Online Conversations: Design, Evaluation, and Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHoque, Enamul
Conference NameCompanion Publication of the 21st International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4140-0
Keywordsasynchronous conversation, composability, computer-mediated communication, Human Behavior, interactive topic modeling, Metrics, pubcrawl, Scalability, text analytics, text visualization

Analyzing and gaining insights from a large amount of textual conversations can be quite challenging for a user, especially when the discussions become very long. During my doctoral research, I have focused on integrating Information Visualization (InfoVis) with Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to better support the user's task of exploring and analyzing conversations. For this purpose, I have designed a visual text analytics system that supports the user exploration, starting from a possibly large set of conversations, then narrowing down to a subset of conversations, and eventually drilling-down to a set of comments of one conversation. While so far our approach is evaluated mainly based on lab studies, in my on-going and future work I plan to evaluate our approach via online longitudinal studies.

Citation Keyhoque_visual_2016