Visible to the public Coalitional Game Theoretic Approach for Cooperation in Heterogeneous Cognitive Wireless Networks

TitleCoalitional Game Theoretic Approach for Cooperation in Heterogeneous Cognitive Wireless Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsLeAnh, Tuan, Ullah, Saeed, Tran, Nguyen H., Kim, Sung Soo, Moon, Seung Il, Hong, Choong Seon
Conference NameProceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4142-4
KeywordsCoaltional Game, Cognitive Radio Network, Cognitive Radio Security, Femtocell Network, Heterogeneous Cognitive Wireless Network, pubcrawl, Resiliency

Heterogeneous cognitive wireless networks (HeCoNets)) are consisted of macrocells that are overlaid by small cells (e.g, femtocells, picocells). These small cells operate over the cognitive radio paradigm. In this paper, we consider a cooperative model in the uplink of HetCoNets, that includes picocell and famtocells networks that are using unlicensed channels from the macrocesll network. In our cooperative model, cognitive picocell users' equipments (CPUEs) and cognitive femtocell users (CFUEs) get incentives from cooperating with each other to improve the unlicensed channels usage and mitigate inter-tier and intra-tier interference while maximizing sum-rate of users in the HetCoNet. We apply a coalition game approach in which CPUEs and CFUEs are considered as players of the game. We have intensively simulated the proposed idea in matlab. Our simulation results show the effectiveness of our proposed compared with non-cooperative model.

Citation Keyleanh_coalitional_2016