Visible to the public Do We Have to Trust the Deep Learning Methods for Palmprints Identification?

TitleDo We Have to Trust the Deep Learning Methods for Palmprints Identification?
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMeraoumia, Abdallah, Laimeche, Lakhdar, Bendjenna, Hakim, Chitroub, Salim
Conference NameProceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
Date PublishedNovember 2016
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4876-8
Keywordsbiometrics, data fusion, Deep Learning, Metrics, Multispectral palmprint, PCANet, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Visible Light Communications Security
AbstractA biometric technology is an emerging field of information technology which can be used to identifying identity of unknown individual based on some characteristics derived from specific physiological and/or behavioral characteristics that the individual possesses. Thus, among several biometric characteristics, which can be derived from the hand, palmprint has been effectively used to improve identification for last years. So far, majority of research works on this biometric trait are fundamentally based on a gray-scale image which acquired using a visible light. Recently, multispectral imaging technology has been used to make the biometric system more efficient. In this work, in order to increase the discriminating ability and the classification system accuracy, we propose a multimodal system which each spectral band of palmprint operates separately and their results are fused at matching score level. In our study, each spectral band is represented by features extracted by PCANet deep learning technique. The proposed scheme is validated using the available CASIA multispectral palmprint database of 100 users. The obtained results showed that the proposed method is very efficient, which can be improved the accuracy rate.
Citation Keymeraoumia_we_2016