Visible to the public Lightweight Address Hopping for Defending the IPv6 IoT

TitleLightweight Address Hopping for Defending the IPv6 IoT
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsJudmayer, Aljosha, Ullrich, Johanna, Merzdovnik, Georg, Voyiatzis, Artemios G., Weippl, Edgar
Conference NameProceedings of the 12th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5257-4
Keywordsaddress hopping, Collaboration, composability, denial of service, Internet of Things, IoT, IPv6, ipv6 security, Metrics, Network security, pubcrawl, reconnaisance, Resiliency, security
AbstractThe rapid deployment of IoT systems on the public Internet is not without concerns for the security and privacy of consumers. Security in IoT systems is often poorly engineered and engineering for privacy does notseemtobea concern for vendors at all. Thecombination of poor security hygiene and access to valuable knowledge renders IoT systems a much-sought target for attacks. IoT systems are not only Internet-accessible but also play the role of servers according to the established client-server communication model and are thus configured with static and/or easily predictable IPv6 addresses, rendering them an easy target for attacks. We present 6HOP, a novel addressing scheme for IoT devices. Our proposal is lightweight in operation, requires minimal administration overhead, and defends against reconnaissance attacks, address based correlation as well as denial-of-service attacks. 6HOP therefore exploits the ample address space available in IPv6 networks and provides effective protection this way.
Citation Keyjudmayer_lightweight_2017