Visible to the public Universal CPS Environment for Federation (UCEF)Conflict Detection Enabled

TitleUniversal CPS Environment for Federation (UCEF)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMartin Burns, Thomas Roth, Edward Griffor, Paul Boynton, Sztipanovits Janos, Neema, Himanshu
Conference Name2018 Winter Simulation Innovation Workshop
Date Published01/2018
PublisherSimulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO)
Conference LocationOrlando, FL
KeywordsCyber-physical systems, federated testbeds, high level architecture (HLA), Internet of Things, testbed science

NIST, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University, has assembled an open-source tool set for designing and implementing federated, collaborative and interactive experiments with cyber-physical systems (CPS). These capabilities are used in our research on CPS at scale for Smart Grid, Smart Transportation, IoT and Smart Cities. This tool set, "Universal CPS Environment for Federation (UCEF)," includes a virtual machine (VM) to house the development environment, a graphical experiment designer, a model repository, and an initial set of integrated tools including the ability to compose Java, C++, MATLABTM, OMNeT++, GridLAB-D, and LabVIEWTM based federates into consolidated experiments. The experiments themselves are orchestrated using a 'federation manager federate,' and progressed using courses of action (COA) experiment descriptions. UCEF utilizes a method of uniformly wrapping federates into a federation. The UCEF VM is an integrated toolset for creating and running these experiments and uses High Level Architecture (HLA) Evolved to facilitate the underlying messaging and experiment orchestration. Our paper introduces the requirements and implementation of the UCEF technology and indicates how we intend to use it in CPS Measurement Science.

Citation Key4880