Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are smart systems that consist of highly interconnected networks of physical and computational components. The tight integration of a wide range of heterogeneous components enables new functionality and quality of life improvements in critical infrastructures such as smart cities, intelligent buildings, and smart energy systems. One approach to study CPS uses both simulations and hardware-in-theloop (HIL) to test the physical dynamics of hardware in a controlled environment. However, because CPS experiment design may involve domain experts from multiple disciplines who use different simulation tool suites, it can be a challenge to integrate the heterogeneous simulation languages and hardware interfaces into a single HIL simulation. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is working on the development of a universal CPS environment for federation (UCEF) that can be used to design and run experiments that incorporate heterogeneous physical and computational resources over a wide geographic area. This development environment uses the High Level Architecture (HLA), which the Department of Defense has advocated for co-simulation in the field of distributed simulations, to enable communication between hardware and different simulation languages such as Simulink and LabVIEW. This paper provides an overview of UCEF and motivates how the environment could be used to develop energy applications using an illustrative example of an emulated heat pump system.
The NIST Transactive Energy (TE) Modeling and Simulation Challenge for the Smart Grid (Challenge) spanned from 2015 to 2018. The TE Challenge was initiated to identify simulation tools and expertise that might be developed or combined in co-simulation platforms to enable the evaluation of transactive energy approaches. Phase I of the Challenge spanned 2015 to 2016, with team efforts that improved understanding of TE concepts, identified relevant simulation tools and co-simulation platforms, and inspired the development of a TE co-simulation abstract component model that paved the way for Phase II. The Phase II effort spanned Spring 2017 through Spring 2018, where the teams collaboratively developed a specific TE problem scenario, a common grid topology, and common reporting metrics to enable direct comparison of results from simulation of each team's TE approach for the defined scenario. This report presents an overview of the TE Challenge, the TE abstract component model, and the common scenario. It also compiles the individual Challenge participants' research reports from Phase II. The common scenario involves a weather event impacting a distribution grid with very high penetration of photovoltaics, leading to voltage regulation challenges that are to be mitigated by TE methods. Four teams worked with this common scenario and different TE models to incentivize distributed resource response to voltage deviations, performing these simulations on different simulation platforms. A fifth team focused on a co-simulation platform that can be used for online TE simulations with existing co-simulation components. The TE Challenge Phase II has advanced co-simulation modeling tools and platforms for TE system performance analysis, developed a referenceable TE scenario that can support ongoing comparative simulations, and demonstrated various TE approaches for managing voltage on a distribution grid with high penetration of photovoltaics.
NIST, in collaboration with Vanderbilt University, has assembled an open-source tool set for designing and implementing federated, collaborative and interactive experiments with cyber-physical systems (CPS). These capabilities are used in our research on CPS at scale for Smart Grid, Smart Transportation, IoT and Smart Cities. This tool set, "Universal CPS Environment for Federation (UCEF)," includes a virtual machine (VM) to house the development environment, a graphical experiment designer, a model repository, and an initial set of integrated tools including the ability to compose Java, C++, MATLABTM, OMNeT++, GridLAB-D, and LabVIEWTM based federates into consolidated experiments. The experiments themselves are orchestrated using a ‘federation manager federate,’ and progressed using courses of action (COA) experiment descriptions. UCEF utilizes a method of uniformly wrapping federates into a federation. The UCEF VM is an integrated toolset for creating and running these experiments and uses High Level Architecture (HLA) Evolved to facilitate the underlying messaging and experiment orchestration. Our paper introduces the requirements and implementation of the UCEF technology and indicates how we intend to use it in CPS Measurement Science.