Visible to the public Graph Sketching against Adaptive Adversaries Applied to the Minimum Degree Algorithm

TitleGraph Sketching against Adaptive Adversaries Applied to the Minimum Degree Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFahrbach, M., Miller, G. L., Peng, R., Sawlani, S., Wang, J., Xu, S. C.
Conference Name2018 IEEE 59th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)
Date PublishedOct. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-4230-6
KeywordsAdaptation models, adaptive adversarial model, adaptive adversaries applied, Adversary Models, approximate fill degrees, approximate greedy minimum degree orderings, Approximation algorithms, approximation theory, combinatorial mathematics, combinatorial scientific computing, computational complexity, Computer science, Data models, data structures, graph sketching, graph theory, Heuristic algorithms, Human Behavior, matrix elimination orderings, Metrics, minimum degree algorithm, minimum fill degree, nearly-linear time algorithm, oblivious adversary model, polylogarithmic time, provable approximation, pubcrawl, query processing, randomised algorithms, randomized data structure, Resiliency, Scalability, sketching data structure, Sparse matrices

Motivated by the study of matrix elimination orderings in combinatorial scientific computing, we utilize graph sketching and local sampling to give a data structure that provides access to approximate fill degrees of a matrix undergoing elimination in polylogarithmic time per elimination and query. We then study the problem of using this data structure in the minimum degree algorithm, which is a widely-used heuristic for producing elimination orderings for sparse matrices by repeatedly eliminating the vertex with (approximate) minimum fill degree. This leads to a nearly-linear time algorithm for generating approximate greedy minimum degree orderings. Despite extensive studies of algorithms for elimination orderings in combinatorial scientific computing, our result is the first rigorous incorporation of randomized tools in this setting, as well as the first nearly-linear time algorithm for producing elimination orderings with provable approximation guarantees. While our sketching data structure readily works in the oblivious adversary model, by repeatedly querying and greedily updating itself, it enters the adaptive adversarial model where the underlying sketches become prone to failure due to dependency issues with their internal randomness. We show how to use an additional sampling procedure to circumvent this problem and to create an independent access sequence. Our technique for decorrelating interleaved queries and updates to this randomized data structure may be of independent interest.

Citation Keyfahrbach_graph_2018