Visible to the public Understanding Types of Cyberbullying in an Anonymous Messaging Application

TitleUnderstanding Types of Cyberbullying in an Anonymous Messaging Application
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsChakraborty, Arpita, Zhang, Yue, Ramesh, Arti
Conference NameCompanion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018
PublisherInternational World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee
Conference LocationRepublic and Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5640-4
Keywordsanonymous message exchanges, anonymous messaging, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, social media analysis, topic models, types of cyberbullying

The possibility of anonymity and lack of effective ways to identify inappropriate messages have resulted in a significant amount of online interaction data that attempt to harass, bully, or offend the recipient. In this work, we perform a preliminary linguistic study on messages exchanged using one such popular web/smartphone application--Sarahah, that allows friends to exchange messages anonymously. Since messages exchanged via Sarahah are private, we collect them when the recipient shares it on Twitter. We then perform an analysis of the different kinds of messages exchanged through this application. Our linguistic analysis reveals that a significant number of these messages ($\backslash$textasciitilde20%) include inappropriate, hurtful, or profane language intended to embarrass, offend, or bully the recipient. Our analysis helps in understanding the different ways in which anonymous message exchange platforms are used and the different types of bullying present in such exchanges.

Citation KeychakrabortyUnderstandingTypesCyberbullying2018