Visible to the public Cloxy: A Context-aware Deception-as-a-Service Reverse Proxy for Web Services

TitleCloxy: A Context-aware Deception-as-a-Service Reverse Proxy for Web Services
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsFraunholz, Daniel, Reti, Daniel, Duque Anton, Simon, Schotten, Hans Dieter
Conference NameProceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-6003-6
Keywordsattack vectors, deception, honeytokens, Human Behavior, Information security, moving target defense, Network security, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability

Legacy software, outdated applications and fast changing technologies pose a serious threat to information security. Several domains, such as long-life industrial control systems and Internet of Things devices, suffer from it. In many cases, system updates and new acquisitions are not an option. In this paper, a framework that combines a reverse proxy with various deception-based defense mechanisms is presented. It is designed to autonomously provide deception methods to web applications. Context-awareness and minimal configuration overhead make it perfectly suited to work as a service. The framework is built modularly to provide flexibility and adaptability to the application use case. It is evaluated with common web-based applications such as content management systems and several frequent attack vectors against them. Furthermore, the security and performance implications of the additional security layer are quantified and discussed. It is found that, given sound implementation, no further attack vectors are introduced to the web application. The performance of the prototypical framework increases the delay of communication with the underlying web application. This delay is within tolerable boundaries and can be further reduced by a more efficient implementation.

Citation Keyfraunholz_cloxy:_2018