Visible to the public Attack Modeling and Verification for Connected System Security

TitleAttack Modeling and Verification for Connected System Security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMili, S., Nguyen, N., Chelouah, R.
Conference Name2018 13th Annual Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE)
KeywordsAdaptation models, Attack Modeling, composability, connected system security, critical systems, dynamic system modeling, Dynamical Systems, Embedded systems, error detection, error propagation, extended attack tree, formal specification, IoT, Metrics, model checker, model checking, Petri nets, program diagnostics, program verification, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, security of data, software architecture, software tools, static system modeling, SysML, SysML connectivity profile, system security specifications, system specifications, system validation, system verification, Systems Engineering, Systems modeling, temporal logic, Unified modeling language

In the development process of critical systems, one of the main challenges is to provide early system validation and verification against vulnerabilities in order to reduce cost caused by late error detection. We propose in this paper an approach that, firstly allows formally describe system security specifications, thanks to our suggested extended attack tree. Secondly, static and dynamic system modeling by using a SysML connectivity profile to model error propagation is introduced. Finally, a model checker has been used in order to validate system specifications.

Citation Keymili_attack_2018