Visible to the public Incremental Strategy Generation for Stackelberg Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games

TitleIncremental Strategy Generation for Stackelberg Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsČerný, Jakub, Boýanský, Branislav, Kiekintveld, Christopher
Conference NameProceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5829-3
Keywordscomposability, Correlated equilibrium, expandability, extensive-form games, game theoretic security, human factors, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, strategy generation, strong stackelberg equilibrium

Dynamic interaction appears in many real-world scenarios where players are able to observe (perhaps imperfectly) the actions of another player and react accordingly. We consider the baseline representation of dynamic games - the extensive form - and focus on computing Stackelberg equilibrium (SE), where the leader commits to a strategy to which the follower plays a best response. For one-shot games (e.g., security games), strategy-generation (SG) algorithms offer dramatic speed-up by incrementally expanding the strategy spaces. However, a direct application of SG to extensive-form games (EFGs) does not bring a similar speed-up since it typically results in a nearly-complete strategy space. Our contributions are twofold: (1) for the first time we introduce an algorithm that allows us to incrementally expand the strategy space to find a SE in EFGs; (2) we introduce a heuristic variant of the algorithm that is theoretically incomplete, but in practice allows us to find exact (or close-to optimal) Stackelberg equilibrium by constructing a significantly smaller strategy space. Our experimental evaluation confirms that we are able to compute SE by considering only a fraction of the strategy space that often leads to a significant speed-up in computation times.

Citation Keycerny_incremental_2018