Visible to the public Optimization Based Adaptive Tagged Visual Cryptography

TitleOptimization Based Adaptive Tagged Visual Cryptography
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsChiu, Pei-Ling, Lee, Kai-Hui
Conference NameProceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5764-7
Keywordsadaptive tagged visual cryptography, cryptology, genetic algorithm, Human Behavior, Metrics, Optimization, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, tagged visual cryptography, visual cryptography
AbstractThe Tagged Visual Cryptography Scheme (TVCS)1 adds tag images to the noise-like shares generated by the traditional VCS to improve the shares management of the traditional VCS. However, the existing TVCSs suffers visual quality of the recovered secret image may be degraded and there may be pixel expansion. This study proposes a Threshold Adaptive Tagged Visual Cryptography Scheme ((k, n)-ATVCS) to solve the above-mentioned problems. The ATVCS encryption problem is formulated in a mathematical optimization model, and an evolutionary algorithm is developed to find the optimal solution to the problem. The proposed (k, n)-ATVCS enables the encryptor to adjust the visual quality between the tag image and the secret image by tuning parameters. Experimental results show the correctness and effectiveness of this study.
Citation Keychiu_optimization_2018