Visible to the public Internet Security Liberated via Software Defined Exchanges

TitleInternet Security Liberated via Software Defined Exchanges
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsWang, Kuang-Ching, Brooks, Richard R., Barrineau, Geddings, Oakley, Jonathan, Yu, Lu, Wang, Qing
Conference NameProceedings of the 2018 ACM International Workshop on Security in Software Defined Networks & Network Function Virtualization
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5635-0
Keywordscensorship circumvention, cloud, controller area network security, Cyber-physical systems, geni, Internet architecture, Internet of Things, peering, pubcrawl, resilience, SDN, sdx, wide area network
AbstractWith software defined networking and network function virtualization technologies, networks can be programmed to have customized processing and paths for different traffic at manageable costs and for massive numbers of applications. Now, picture a future Internet where each entity - a person, an organization, or an autonomous system - has the ability to choose how traffic in their respective network sessions is routed and processed between itself and its counterparts. The network is, essentially, liberated from today's homogeneous IP-based routing and limited connection options. To realize such a network paradigm, we propose a software defined exchange architecture that can provide the needed network programmability, session-level customization, and scale. We present a case study for traffic-analysis-resistant communication among individuals, campuses, or web services, where IP addresses no longer need to have a one-to-one correspondence with service providers.
Citation Keywang_internet_2018