Visible to the public Formal Verification of Divide and Conquer Key Distribution Protocol Using ProVerif and TLA+

TitleFormal Verification of Divide and Conquer Key Distribution Protocol Using ProVerif and TLA+
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsDewoprabowo, Ridhwan, Arzaki, Muhammad, Rusmawati, Yanti
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-7281-0135-4
Keywordscommunicating parties, contributory group key agreement, cryptographic protocols, cryptography, DC DHKE, divide and conquer key distribution protocol, exponentiation, formal verification, GDH, ING, key agreement protocol verification, liveness property, Mathematical model, mutual key, passive attacker, pre-meditated correctness, protocol correctness, ProVerif, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Silicon, TLA, TLA+

We conduct formal verification of the divide and conquer key distribution scheme (DC DHKE)-a contributory group key agreement that uses a quasilinear amount of exponentiations with respect to the number of communicating parties. The verification is conducted using both ProVerif and TLA+ as tools. ProVerif is used to verify the protocol correctness as well as its security against passive attacker; while TLA+ is utilized to verify whether all participants in the protocol retrieve the mutual key simultaneously. We also verify the ING and GDH.3 protocol for comparative purposes. The verification results show that the ING, GDH.3, and DC DHKE protocols satisfy the pre-meditated correctness, security, and liveness properties. However, the GDH.3 protocol does not satisfy the liveness property stating that all participants obtain the mutual key at the same time.

Citation Keydewoprabowo_formal_2018