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Popa, Cosmin Radu.  2022.  Current-Mode CMOS Multifunctional Circuits for Analog Signal Processing. 2022 International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM). :58—61.
The paper introduces and develops the new concept of current-mode multifunctional circuit, a computational structure that is able to implement, using the same functional core, a multitude of circuit functions: amplifying, squaring, square-rooting, multiplying, exponentiation or generation of any continuous mathematical function. As a single core computes a large number of circuit functions, the original approach of analog signal processing from the perspective of multifunctional structures presents the important advantages of a much smaller power consumption and design costs per implemented function comparing with classical designs. The current-mode operation, associated with the original concrete implementation of the proposed structure increase the accuracy of computed functions and the frequency behaviour of the designed circuit. Additionally, the temperature-caused errors are almost removed by specific design techniques. It will be also shown a new method for third-order approximating the exponential function using an original approximation function. A generalization of this method will represent the functional basis for realizing an improved accuracy function synthesizer circuit with a simple implementation in CMOS technology. The proposed circuits are compatible with low-power low voltage operations.
Venkatesh, Suresh, Saeidi, Hooman, Sengupta, Kaushik, Lu, Xuyang.  2022.  Millimeter-Wave Physical Layer Security through Space-Time Modulated Transmitter Arrays. 2022 IEEE 22nd Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON). :1–4.
Wireless security and privacy is gaining a significant interest due to the burgeoning growth of communication devices across the electromagnetic spectrum. In this article, we introduce the concept of the space-time modulated millimeter-wave wireless links enabling physical layer security in highspeed communication links. Such an approach does not require cryptographic key exchanges and enables security in a seamless fashion with no overhead on latency. We show both the design and implementation of such a secure system using custom integrated chips at 71-76 GHz with off-chip packaged antenna array. We also demonstrate the security metric of such a system and analyze the efficacy through distributed eavesdropper attack.
Gonzalez-Zalba, M. Fernando.  2021.  Quantum computing with CMOS technology. 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE). :761—761.
Quantum computing is poised to be the innovation driver of the next decade. Its information processing capabilities will radically accelerate drug discovery, improve online security, or even boost artificial intelligence [1]. Building a quantum computer promises to have a major positive impact in society, however building the hardware that will enable that paradigm change its one of the greatest technological challenges for humanity.
Sanjab, Anibal, Saad, Walid.  2016.  On Bounded Rationality in Cyber-Physical Systems Security: Game-Theoretic Analysis with Application to Smart Grid Protection. 2016 Joint Workshop on Cyber- Physical Security and Resilience in Smart Grids (CPSR-SG). :1–6.
In this paper, a general model for cyber-physical systems (CPSs), that captures the diffusion of attacks from the cyber layer to the physical system, is studied. In particular, a game-theoretic approach is proposed to analyze the interactions between one defender and one attacker over a CPS. In this game, the attacker launches cyber attacks on a number of cyber components of the CPS to maximize the potential harm to the physical system while the system operator chooses to defend a number of cyber nodes to thwart the attacks and minimize potential damage to the physical side. The proposed game explicitly accounts for the fact that both attacker and defender can have different computational capabilities and disparate levels of knowledge of the system. To capture such bounded rationality of attacker and defender, a novel approach inspired from the behavioral framework of cognitive hierarchy theory is developed. In this framework, the defender is assumed to be faced with an attacker that can have different possible thinking levels reflecting its knowledge of the system and computational capabilities. To solve the game, the optimal strategies of each attacker type are characterized and the optimal response of the defender facing these different types is computed. This general approach is applied to smart grid security considering wide area protection with energy markets implications. Numerical results show that a deviation from the Nash equilibrium strategy is beneficial when the bounded rationality of the attacker is considered. Moreover, the results show that the defender's incentive to deviate from the Nash equilibrium decreases when faced with an attacker that has high computational ability.
Yixuan, Zhang, Qiwei, Xu, Sheng, Long, Zhihao, Cheng, Chao, Zhi.  2021.  Design of a New Micro Linear Actuator Owning Two-phase No-cross Planar Coils. 2021 IEEE 4th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC). :1–11.
This paper presents a new micro linear actuator design. The North-South (NS) permanent magnet array configuration is assembled as the mobile part. The fixed part is designed to two-phase planar coils with no crossings avoiding interferences between overlapped conductors. The analytical calculation of the permanent magnet array verifies the feasibility of the finite element simulation. And then electromagnetic optimizations based on simulation to maximize the average thrust and minimize thrust ripple. In order to deal with millimeter level structure design, a microfabrication approach is adopted to process the new micro linear actuator in silicon material. The new micro linear actuator is able to perform millimeter level displacement strokes along a single axis in the horizontal plane. The experimental results demonstrate that the new micro linear actuator is capable of delivering variable strokes up to 5 mm with a precision error of 30 μm in position closed loop control and realizes the maximum velocity of 26.62mm/s with maximum error of 4.92%.
Houlihan, Ruth, Timothy, Michael, Duffy, Conor, MacLoughlin, Ronan, Olszewski, Oskar.  2021.  Acoustic Structural Coupling In A Silicon Based Vibrating Mesh Nebulizer. 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers). :615–618.
We present results from a vibrating mesh nebulizer for which the mesh is a micro-machined silicon membrane perforated with up to a thousand micron-sized, pyramidal holes. Finite element modelling is used to better understand the measured results of the nebulizer when tested in the dry state as well as when loaded with a liquid. In particular, we found that the frequency response of the system is well represented by the superposition of the frequency response of its two main subcomponents: the piezo driving unit and the silicon membrane. As such, the system is found to have resonance peaks for which the complete assembly flexes in addition to peaks that correspond to the flexural resonance modes of the silicon membrane on its own. Similarly, finite element modelling was used to understand differences observed between the frequency response measured on the nebulizer in the dry condition compared to its wet or liquid loaded operation. It was found that coupling between the structural and the acoustic domains shifts the resonance peaks significantly to the left of the frequency plot. In fact, it was found that at the operating frequency of the nebulizer, the system resonates in a (0,3) when the membrane is loaded with a liquid compared with a (0,2) resonance mode when it is operating in the dry state.
Roy, P., Mazumdar, C..  2018.  Modeling of Insider Threat using Enterprise Automaton. 2018 Fifth International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT). :1—4.
Substantial portions of attacks on the security of enterprises are perpetrated by Insiders having authorized privileges. Thus insider threat and attack detection is an important aspect of Security management. In the published literature, efforts are on to model the insider threats based on the behavioral traits of employees. The psycho-social behaviors are hard to encode in the software systems. Also, in some cases, there are privacy issues involved. In this paper, the human and non-human agents in a system are described in a novel unified model. The enterprise is described as an automaton and its states are classified secure, safe, unsafe and compromised. The insider agents and threats are modeled on the basis of the automaton and the model is validated using a case study.
Kostromitin, K. I., Dokuchaev, B. N., Kozlov, D. A..  2020.  Analysis of the Most Common Software and Hardware Vulnerabilities in Microprocessor Systems. 2020 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon). :1031—1036.

The relevance of data protection is related to the intensive informatization of various aspects of society and the need to prevent unauthorized access to them. World spending on ensuring information security (IS) for the current state: expenses in the field of IS today amount to \$81.7 billion. Expenditure forecast by 2020: about \$105 billion [1]. Information protection of military facilities is the most critical in the public sector, in the non-state - financial organizations is one of the leaders in spending on information protection. An example of the importance of IS research is the Trojan encoder WannaCry, which infected hundreds of thousands of computers around the world, attacks are recorded in more than 116 countries. The attack of the encoder of WannaCry (Wana Decryptor) happens through a vulnerability in service Server Message Block (protocol of network access to file systems) of Windows OS. Then, a rootkit (a set of malware) was installed on the infected system, using which the attackers launched an encryption program. Then each vulnerable computer could become infected with another infected device within one local network. Due to these attacks, about \$70,000 was lost (according to data from 18.05.2017) [2]. It is assumed in the presented work, that the software level of information protection is fundamentally insufficient to ensure the stable functioning of critical objects. This is due to the possible hardware implementation of undocumented instructions, discussed later. The complexity of computing systems and the degree of integration of their components are constantly growing. Therefore, monitoring the operation of the computer hardware is necessary to achieve the maximum degree of protection, in particular, data processing methods.

Navabi, S., Nayyar, A..  2020.  A Dynamic Mechanism for Security Management in Multi-Agent Networked Systems. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1628—1637.
We study the problem of designing a dynamic mechanism for security management in an interconnected multi-agent system with N strategic agents and one coordinator. The system is modeled as a network of N vertices. Each agent resides in one of the vertices of the network and has a privately known security state that describes its safety level at each time. The evolution of an agent's security state depends on its own state, the states of its neighbors in the network and on actions taken by a network coordinator. Each agent's utility at time instant t depends on its own state, the states of its neighbors in the network and on actions taken by a network coordinator. The objective of the network coordinator is to take security actions in order to maximize the long-term expected social surplus. Since agents are strategic and their security states are private information, the coordinator needs to incentivize agents to reveal their information. This results in a dynamic mechanism design problem for the coordinator. We leverage the inter-temporal correlations between the agents' security states to identify sufficient conditions under which an incentive compatible expected social surplus maximizing mechanism can be constructed. We then identify two special cases of our formulation and describe how the desired mechanism is constructed in these cases.
Huang, N., Xu, M., Zheng, N., Qiao, T., Choo, K. R..  2019.  Deep Android Malware Classification with API-Based Feature Graph. 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :296—303.

The rapid growth of Android malware apps poses a great security threat to users thus it is very important and urgent to detect Android malware effectively. What's more, the increasing unknown malware and evasion technique also call for novel detection method. In this paper, we focus on API feature and develop a novel method to detect Android malware. First, we propose a novel selection method for API feature related with the malware class. However, such API also has a legitimate use in benign app thus causing FP problem (misclassify benign as malware). Second, we further explore structure relationships between these APIs and map to a matrix interpreted as the hand-refined API-based feature graph. Third, a CNN-based classifier is developed for the API-based feature graph classification. Evaluations of a real-world dataset containing 3,697 malware apps and 3,312 benign apps demonstrate that selected API feature is effective for Android malware classification, just top 20 APIs can achieve high F1 of 94.3% under Random Forest classifier. When the available API features are few, classification performance including FPR indicator can achieve effective improvement effectively by complementing our further work.

Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Cai, W..  2018.  Separating Style and Content for Generalized Style Transfer. 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. :8447–8455.

Neural style transfer has drawn broad attention in recent years. However, most existing methods aim to explicitly model the transformation between different styles, and the learned model is thus not generalizable to new styles. We here attempt to separate the representations for styles and contents, and propose a generalized style transfer network consisting of style encoder, content encoder, mixer and decoder. The style encoder and content encoder are used to extract the style and content factors from the style reference images and content reference images, respectively. The mixer employs a bilinear model to integrate the above two factors and finally feeds it into a decoder to generate images with target style and content. To separate the style features and content features, we leverage the conditional dependence of styles and contents given an image. During training, the encoder network learns to extract styles and contents from two sets of reference images in limited size, one with shared style and the other with shared content. This learning framework allows simultaneous style transfer among multiple styles and can be deemed as a special 'multi-task' learning scenario. The encoders are expected to capture the underlying features for different styles and contents which is generalizable to new styles and contents. For validation, we applied the proposed algorithm to the Chinese Typeface transfer problem. Extensive experiment results on character generation have demonstrated the effectiveness and robustness of our method.

Karmakar, R., Jana, S. S., Chattopadhyay, S..  2019.  A Cellular Automata Guided Obfuscation Strategy For Finite-State-Machine Synthesis. 2019 56th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC). :1–6.
A popular countermeasure against IP piracy relies on obfuscating the Finite State Machine (FSM), which is assumed to be the heart of a digital system. In this paper, we propose to use a special class of non-group additive cellular automata (CA) called D1 * CA, and it's counterpart D1 * CAdual to obfuscate each state-transition of an FSM. The synthesized FSM exhibits correct state-transitions only for a correct key, which is a designer's secret. The proposed easily testable key-controlled FSM synthesis scheme can thwart reverse engineering attacks, thus offers IP protection.
Andreoletti, Davide, Rottondi, Cristina, Giordano, Silvia, Verticale, Giacomo, Tornatore, Massimo.  2019.  An Open Privacy-Preserving and Scalable Protocol for a Network-Neutrality Compliant Caching. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
The distribution of video contents generated by Content Providers (CPs) significantly contributes to increase the congestion within the networks of Internet Service Providers (ISPs). To alleviate this problem, CPs can serve a portion of their catalogues to the end users directly from servers (i.e., the caches) located inside the ISP network. Users served from caches perceive an increased QoS (e.g., average retrieval latency is reduced) and, for this reason, caching can be considered a form of traffic prioritization. Hence, since the storage of caches is limited, its subdivision among several CPs may lead to discrimination. A static subdivision that assignes to each CP the same portion of storage is a neutral but ineffective appraoch, because it does not consider the different popularities of the CPs' contents. A more effective strategy consists in dividing the cache among the CPs proportionally to the popularity of their contents. However, CPs consider this information sensitive and are reluctant to disclose it. In this work, we propose a protocol based on Shamir Secret Sharing (SSS) scheme that allows the ISP to calculate the portion of cache storage that a CP is entitled to receive while guaranteeing network neutrality and resource efficiency, but without violating its privacy. The protocol is executed by the ISP, the CPs and a Regulator Authority (RA) that guarantees the actual enforcement of a fair subdivision of the cache storage and the preservation of privacy. We perform extensive simulations and prove that our approach leads to higher hit-rates (i.e., percentage of requests served by the cache) with respect to the static one. The advantages are particularly significant when the cache storage is limited.
Akbay, Abdullah Basar, Wang, Weina, Zhang, Junshan.  2019.  Data Collection from Privacy-Aware Users in the Presence of Social Learning. 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). :679–686.
We study a model where a data collector obtains data from users through a payment mechanism to learn the underlying state from the elicited data. The private signal of each user represents her individual knowledge about the state. Through social interactions, each user can also learn noisy versions of her friends' signals, which is called group signals. Based on both her private signal and group signals, each user makes strategic decisions to report a privacy-preserved version of her data to the data collector. We develop a Bayesian game theoretic framework to study the impact of social learning on users' data reporting strategies and devise the payment mechanism for the data collector accordingly. Our findings reveal that, the Bayesian-Nash equilibrium can be in the form of either a symmetric randomized response (SR) strategy or an informative non-disclosive (ND) strategy. A generalized majority voting rule is applied by each user to her noisy group signals to determine which strategy to follow. When a user plays the ND strategy, she reports privacy-preserving data completely based on her group signals, independent of her private signal, which indicates that her privacy cost is zero. Both the data collector and the users can benefit from social learning which drives down the privacy costs and helps to improve the state estimation at a given payment budget. We derive bounds on the minimum total payment required to achieve a given level of state estimation accuracy.
Arrieta, Miguel, Esnaola, Iñaki, Effros, Michelle.  2019.  Universal Privacy Guarantees for Smart Meters. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :2154–2158.
Smart meters enable improvements in electricity distribution system efficiency at some cost in customer privacy. Users with home batteries can mitigate this privacy loss by applying charging policies that mask their underlying energy use. A battery charging policy is proposed and shown to provide universal privacy guarantees subject to a constraint on energy cost. The guarantee bounds our strategy's maximal information leakage from the user to the utility provider under general stochastic models of user energy consumption. The policy construction adapts coding strategies for non-probabilistic permuting channels to this privacy problem.
He, Chengkang, Cui, Aijiao, Chang, Chip-Hong.  2019.  Identification of State Registers of FSM Through Full Scan by Data Analytics. 2019 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :1—6.

Finite-state machine (FSM) is widely used as control unit in most digital designs. Many intellectual property protection and obfuscation techniques leverage on the exponential number of possible states and state transitions of large FSM to secure a physical design with the reason that it is challenging to retrieve the FSM design from its downstream design or physical implementation without knowledge of the design. In this paper, we postulate that this assumption may not be sustainable with big data analytics. We demonstrate by applying a data mining technique to analyze sufficiently large amount of data collected from a full scan design to identify its FSM state registers. An impact metric is introduced to discriminate FSM state registers from other registers. A decision tree algorithm is constructed from the scan data for the regression analysis of the dependency of other registers on a chosen register to deduce its impact. The registers with the greater impact are more likely to be the FSM state registers. The proposed scheme is applied on several complex designs from OpenCores. The experiment results show the feasibility of our scheme in correctly identifying most FSM state registers with a high hit rate for a large majority of the designs.

Pawlick, Jeffrey, Nguyen, Thi Thu Hang, Colbert, Edward, Zhu, Quanyan.  2019.  Optimal Timing in Dynamic and Robust Attacker Engagement During Advanced Persistent Threats. 2019 International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT). :1—8.
Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are stealthy attacks which make use of social engineering and deception to give adversaries insider access to networked systems. Against APTs, active defense technologies aim to create and exploit information asymmetry for defenders. In this paper, we study a scenario in which a powerful defender uses honeynets for active defense in order to observe an attacker who has penetrated the network. Rather than immediately eject the attacker, the defender may elect to gather information. We introduce an undiscounted, infinite-horizon Markov decision process on a continuous state space in order to model the defender's problem. We find a threshold of information that the defender should gather about the attacker before ejecting him. Then we study the robustness of this policy using a Stackelberg game. Finally, we simulate the policy for a conceptual network. Our results provide a quantitative foundation for studying optimal timing for attacker engagement in network defense.
Yan, Dingyu, Liu, Feng, Jia, Kun.  2019.  Modeling an Information-Based Advanced Persistent Threat Attack on the Internal Network. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—7.
An advanced persistent threat (APT) attack is a powerful cyber-weapon aimed at the specific targets in cyberspace. The sophisticated attack techniques, long dwell time and specific objectives make the traditional defense mechanism ineffective. However, most existing studies fail to consider the theoretical modeling of the whole APT attack. In this paper, we mainly establish a theoretical framework to characterize an information-based APT attack on the internal network. In particular, our mathematical framework includes the initial entry model for selecting the entry points and the targeted attack model for studying the intelligence gathering, strategy decision-making, weaponization and lateral movement. Through a series of simulations, we find the optimal candidate nodes in the initial entry model, observe the dynamic change of the targeted attack model and verify the characteristics of the APT attack.
Liu, Zechao, Wang, Xuan, Cui, Lei, Jiang, Zoe L., Zhang, Chunkai.  2017.  White-box traceable dynamic attribute based encryption. 2017 International Conference on Security, Pattern Analysis, and Cybernetics (SPAC). :526–530.
Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is a promising technology that offers fine-grained access control over encrypted data. In a CP-ABE scheme, any user can decrypt the ciphertext using his secret key if his attributes satisfy the access policy embedded in the ciphertext. Since the same ciphertext can be decrypted by multiple users with their own keys, the malicious users may intentionally leak their decryption keys for financial profits. So how to trace the malicious users becomes an important issue in a CP-ABE scheme. In addition, from the practical point of view, users may leave the system due to resignation or dismissal. So user revocation is another hot issue that should be solved. In this paper, we propose a practical CP-ABE scheme. On the one hand, our scheme has the properties of traceability and large universe. On the other hand, our scheme can solve the dynamic issue of user revocation. The proposed scheme is proved selectively secure in the standard model.
Xu, Zhiheng, Ng, Daniel Jun Xian, Easwaran, Arvind.  2019.  Automatic Generation of Hierarchical Contracts for Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems. 2019 IEEE 25th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA). :1–11.

With the growing scale of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), it is challenging to maintain their stability under all operating conditions. How to reduce the downtime and locate the failures becomes a core issue in system design. In this paper, we employ a hierarchical contract-based resilience framework to guarantee the stability of CPS. In this framework, we use Assume Guarantee (A-G) contracts to monitor the non-functional properties of individual components (e.g., power and latency), and hierarchically compose such contracts to deduce information about faults at the system level. The hierarchical contracts enable rapid fault detection in large-scale CPS. However, due to the vast number of components in CPS, manually designing numerous contracts and the hierarchy becomes challenging. To address this issue, we propose a technique to automatically decompose a root contract into multiple lower-level contracts depending on I/O dependencies between components. We then formulate a multi-objective optimization problem to search the optimal parameters of each lower-level contract. This enables automatic contract refinement taking into consideration the communication overhead between components. Finally, we use a case study from the manufacturing domain to experimentally demonstrate the benefits of the proposed framework.

Wang, Chong Xiao, Song, Yang, Tay, Wee Peng.  2018.  PRESERVING PARAMETER PRIVACY IN SENSOR NETWORKS. 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). :1316–1320.
We consider the problem of preserving the privacy of a set of private parameters while allowing inference of a set of public parameters based on observations from sensors in a network. We assume that the public and private parameters are correlated with the sensor observations via a linear model. We define the utility loss and privacy gain functions based on the Cramér-Rao lower bounds for estimating the public and private parameters, respectively. Our goal is to minimize the utility loss while ensuring that the privacy gain is no less than a predefined privacy gain threshold, by allowing each sensor to perturb its own observation before sending it to the fusion center. We propose methods to determine the amount of noise each sensor needs to add to its observation under the cases where prior information is available or unavailable.
Wang, Chong Xiao, Song, Yang, Tay, Wee Peng.  2018.  PRESERVING PARAMETER PRIVACY IN SENSOR NETWORKS. 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). :1316–1320.
We consider the problem of preserving the privacy of a set of private parameters while allowing inference of a set of public parameters based on observations from sensors in a network. We assume that the public and private parameters are correlated with the sensor observations via a linear model. We define the utility loss and privacy gain functions based on the Cramér-Rao lower bounds for estimating the public and private parameters, respectively. Our goal is to minimize the utility loss while ensuring that the privacy gain is no less than a predefined privacy gain threshold, by allowing each sensor to perturb its own observation before sending it to the fusion center. We propose methods to determine the amount of noise each sensor needs to add to its observation under the cases where prior information is available or unavailable.
Alim, Adil, Zhao, Xujiang, Cho, Jin-Hee, Chen, Feng.  2019.  Uncertainty-Aware Opinion Inference Under Adversarial Attacks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :6—15.

Inference of unknown opinions with uncertain, adversarial (e.g., incorrect or conflicting) evidence in large datasets is not a trivial task. Without proper handling, it can easily mislead decision making in data mining tasks. In this work, we propose a highly scalable opinion inference probabilistic model, namely Adversarial Collective Opinion Inference (Adv-COI), which provides a solution to infer unknown opinions with high scalability and robustness under the presence of uncertain, adversarial evidence by enhancing Collective Subjective Logic (CSL) which is developed by combining SL and Probabilistic Soft Logic (PSL). The key idea behind the Adv-COI is to learn a model of robust ways against uncertain, adversarial evidence which is formulated as a min-max problem. We validate the out-performance of the Adv-COI compared to baseline models and its competitive counterparts under possible adversarial attacks on the logic-rule based structured data and white and black box adversarial attacks under both clean and perturbed semi-synthetic and real-world datasets in three real world applications. The results show that the Adv-COI generates the lowest mean absolute error in the expected truth probability while producing the lowest running time among all.

Lisec, Thomas, Bodduluri, Mani Teja, Schulz-Walsemann, Arne-Veit, Blohm, Lars, Pieper, Isa, Gu-Stoppel, Shanshan, Niekiel, Florian, Lofink, Fabian, Wagner, Bernhard.  2019.  Integrated High Power Micro Magnets for MEMS Sensors and Actuators. 2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS EUROSENSORS XXXIII). :1768–1771.
Back-end-of-line compatible integration of NdFeB-based micro magnets onto 8 inch Si substrates is presented. Substrate conditioning procedures to enable further processing in a cleanroom environment are discussed. It is shown that permanent magnetic structures with lateral dimensions between 25μm and 2000μm and a depth up to 500μm can be fabricated reliably and reproducibly with a remanent magnetization of 340mT at a standard deviation as low as 5% over the substrate. To illustrate post-processing capabilities, the fabrication of micro magnet arrangements embedded in silicon frames is described.
Iftikhar, Jawad, Hussain, Sajid, Mansoor, Khwaja, Ali, Zeeshan, Chaudhry, Shehzad Ashraf.  2019.  Symmetric-Key Multi-Factor Biometric Authentication Scheme. 2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital systems (C-CODE). :288–292.
Authentication is achieved by using different techniques, like using smart-card, identity password and biometric techniques. Some of the proposed schemes use a single factor for authentication while others combine multiple ways to provide multi-factor authentication for better security. lately, a new scheme for multi-factor authentication was presented by Cao and Ge and claimed that their scheme is highly secure and can withstand against all known attacks. In this paper, it is revealed that their scheme is still vulnerable and have some loopholes in term of reflection attack. Therefore, an improved scheme is proposed to overcome the security weaknesses of Cao and Ge's scheme. The proposed scheme resists security attacks and secure. Formal testing is carried out under a broadly-accepted simulated tool ProVerif which demonstrates that the proposed scheme is well secure.