Visible to the public A Clone Code Detection Method Based on Software Complex Network

TitleA Clone Code Detection Method Based on Software Complex Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGuo, Haoran, Ai, Jun, Shi, Tao
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5138-0
Keywordsadded features, clone code detection method, clone codes information, clone-code-detection, code comparison, complex networks, composability, compositionality, cyber physical systems, feature-matching, Information Reuse and Security, Metrics, network coding, open source code, program diagnostics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security analysis, security of data, software clone detection, software complex network feature matching, software maintenance, software network model, software-network, software-security

This paper introduces complex network into software clone detection and proposes a clone code detection method based on software complex network feature matching. This method has the following properties. It builds a software network model with many added features and codes written with different languages can be detected by a single method. It reduces the space of code comparison, and it searches similar subnetworks to detect clones without knowing any clone codes information. This method can be used in detecting open source code which has been reused in software for security analysis.

Citation Keyguo_clone_2019