Li, Dong, Jiao, Yiwen, Ge, Pengcheng, Sun, Kuanfei, Gao, Zefu, Mao, Feilong.
Classification Coding and Image Recognition Based on Pulse Neural Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Design (AIID). :260–265.
Based on the third generation neural network spiking neural network, this paper optimizes and improves a classification and coding method, and proposes an image recognition method. Firstly, the read image is converted into a spike sequence, and then the spike sequence is encoded in groups and sent to the neurons in the spike neural network. After learning and training for many times, the quantization standard code is obtained. In this process, the spike sequence transformation matrix and dynamic weight matrix are obtained, and the unclassified data are output through the same matrix for image recognition and classification. Simulation results show that the above methods can get correct coding and preliminary recognition classification, and the spiking neural network can be applied.
Ghanem, Samah A. M..
Network Coding Schemes for Time Variant/Invariant Channels with Smart Acknowledgment. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and their Applications (ICCSPA). :1–6.
In this paper, we propose models and schemes for coded and uncoded packet transmission over time invariant (TIC) and time variant (TVC) channels. We provide an approximation of the delay induced assuming fmite number of time slots to transmit a given number of packets. We propose an adaptive physical layer (PHY)-aware coded scheme that designs smart acknowledgments (ACK) via an optimal selection of coded packets to transmit at a given SNR. We apply our proposed schemes to channels with complex fading behavior and high round trip (RTT) delays. We compare the accuracy of TVC coded scheme to the TIC coded scheme, and we show the throughput-delay efficacy of adaptive coded schemes driven by PHY-awareness in the mitigation of high RTT environments, with up to 3 fold gains.
Roy, Debaleena, Guha, Tanaya, Sanchez, Victor.
Graph Based Transforms based on Graph Neural Networks for Predictive Transform Coding. 2021 Data Compression Conference (DCC). :367–367.
This paper introduces the GBT-NN, a novel class of Graph-based Transform within the context of block-based predictive transform coding using intra-prediction. The GBT-NNis constructed by learning a mapping function to map a graph Laplacian representing the covariance matrix of the current block. Our objective of learning such a mapping functionis to design a GBT that performs as well as the KLT without requiring to explicitly com-pute the covariance matrix for each residual block to be transformed. To avoid signallingany additional information required to compute the inverse GBT-NN, we also introduce acoding framework that uses a template-based prediction to predict residuals at the decoder. Evaluation results on several video frames and medical images, in terms of the percentageof preserved energy and mean square error, show that the GBT-NN can outperform the DST and DCT.
Triphena, Jeba, Thirumavalavan, Vetrivel Chelian, Jayaraman, Thiruvengadam S.
BER Analysis of RIS Assisted Bidirectional Relay System with Physical Layer Network Coding. 2021 National Conference on Communications (NCC). :1–6.
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) is one of the latest technologies in bringing a certain amount of control to the rather unpredictable and uncontrollable wireless channel. In this paper, RIS is introduced in a bidirectional system with two source nodes and a Decode and Forward (DF) relay node. It is assumed that there is no direct path between the source nodes. The relay node receives information from source nodes simultaneously. The Physical Layer Network Coding (PLNC) is applied at the relay node to assist in the exchange of information between the source nodes. Analytical expressions are derived for the average probability of errors at the source nodes and relay node of the proposed RIS-assisted bidirectional relay system. The Bit Error Rate (BER) performance is analyzed using both simulation and analytical forms. It is observed that RIS-assisted PLNC based bidirectional relay system performs better than the conventional PLNC based bidirectional system.
Liu, Jinghua, Chen, Pingping, Chen, Feng.
Performance of Deep Learning for Multiple Antennas Physical Layer Network Coding. 2021 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). :179–183.
In this paper, we propose a deep learning based detection for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) physical-layer network coding (DeepPNC) over two way relay channels (TWRC). In MIMO-PNC, the relay node receives the signals superimposed from the two end nodes. The relay node aims to obtain the network-coded (NC) form of the two end nodes' signals. By training suitable deep neural networks (DNNs) with a limited set of training samples. DeepPNC can extract the NC symbols from the superimposed signals received while the output of each layer in DNNs converges. Compared with the traditional detection algorithms, DeepPNC has higher mapping accuracy and does not require channel information. The simulation results show that the DNNs based DeepPNC can achieve significant gain over the DeepNC scheme and the other traditional schemes, especially when the channel matrix changes unexpectedly.
ElDiwany, Belal Essam, El-Sherif, Amr A., ElBatt, Tamer.
Network-Coded Wireless Powered Cellular Networks: Lifetime and Throughput Analysis. 2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–6.
In this paper, we study a wireless powered cellular network (WPCN) supported with network coding capability. In particular, we consider a network consisting of k cellular users (CUs) served by a hybrid access point (HAP) that takes over energy transfer to the users on top of information transmission over both the uplink (UL) and downlink (DL). Each CU has k+1 states representing its communication behavior, and collectively are referred to as the user demand profile. Opportunistically, when the CUs have information to be exchanged through the HAP, it broadcasts this information in coded format to the exchanging pairs, resulting in saving time slots over the DL. These saved slots are then utilized by the HAP to prolong the network lifetime and enhance the network throughput. We quantify, analytically, the performance gain of our network-coded WPCN over the conventional one, that does not employ network coding, in terms of network lifetime and throughput. We consider the two extreme cases of using all the saved slots either for energy boosting or throughput enhancement. In addition, a lifetime/throughput optimization is carried out by the HAP for balancing the saved slots assignment in an optimized fashion, where the problem is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming optimization problem. Numerical results exhibit the network performance gains from the lifetime and throughput perspectives, for a uniform user demand profile across all CUs. Moreover, the effect of biasing the user demand profile of some CUs in the network reveals considerable improvement in the network performance gains.
Wang, Jie, Jia, Zhiyuan, Yin, Hoover H. F., Yang, Shenghao.
Small-Sample Inferred Adaptive Recoding for Batched Network Coding. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1427–1432.
Batched network coding is a low-complexity network coding solution to feedbackless multi-hop wireless packet network transmission with packet loss. The data to be transmitted is encoded into batches where each of which consists of a few coded packets. Unlike the traditional forwarding strategy, the intermediate network nodes have to perform recoding, which generates recoded packets by network coding operations restricted within the same batch. Adaptive recoding is a technique to adapt the fluctuation of packet loss by optimizing the number of recoded packets per batch to enhance the throughput. The input rank distribution, which is a piece of information regarding the batches arriving at the node, is required to apply adaptive recoding. However, this distribution is not known in advance in practice as the incoming link's channel condition may change from time to time. On the other hand, to fully utilize the potential of adaptive recoding, we need to have a good estimation of this distribution. In other words, we need to guess this distribution from a few samples so that we can apply adaptive recoding as soon as possible. In this paper, we propose a distributionally robust optimization for adaptive recoding with a small-sample inferred prediction of the input rank distribution. We develop an algorithm to efficiently solve this optimization with the support of theoretical guarantees that our optimization's performance would constitute as a confidence lower bound of the optimal throughput with high probability.
Chen, Xuejun, Dong, Ping, Zhang, Yuyang, Qiao, Wenxuan, Yin, Chenyang.
Design of Adaptive Redundant Coding Concurrent Multipath Transmission Scheme in High-speed Mobile Environment. 2021 IEEE 5th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). 5:2176–2179.
As we all know, network coding can significantly improve the throughput and reliability of wireless networks. However, in the high-speed mobile environment, the packet loss rate of different wireless links may vary greatly due to the time-varying network state, which makes the adjustment of network coding redundancy very important. Because the network coding redundancy is too large, it will lead to excessive overhead and reduce the effective throughput. If the network coding redundancy is too small, it will lead to insufficient decoding, which will also reduce the effective throughput. In the design of multi-path transmission scheduling scheme, we introduce adaptive redundancy network coding scheme. By using multiple links to aggregate network bandwidth, we choose appropriate different coding redundancy for different links to resist the performance loss caused by link packet loss. The simulation results show that when the link packet loss rate is greatly different, the mechanism can not only ensure the transmission reliability, but also greatly reduce the total network redundancy to improve the network throughput very effectively.
Yin, Hoover H. F., Ng, Ka Hei, Zhong, Allen Z., Yeung, Raymond w., Yang, Shenghao.
Intrablock Interleaving for Batched Network Coding with Blockwise Adaptive Recoding. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :1409–1414.
Batched network coding (BNC) is a low-complexity solution to network transmission in feedbackless multi-hop packet networks with packet loss. BNC encodes the source data into batches of packets. As a network coding scheme, the intermediate nodes perform recoding on the received packets instead of just forwarding them. Blockwise adaptive recoding (BAR) is a recoding strategy which can enhance the throughput and adapt real-time changes in the incoming channel condition. In wireless applications, in order to combat burst packet loss, interleavers can be applied for BNC in a hop-by-hop manner. In particular, a batch-stream interleaver that permutes packets across blocks can be applied with BAR to further boost the throughput. However, the previously proposed minimal communication protocol for BNC only supports permutation of packets within a block, called intrablock interleaving, and so it is not compatible with the batch-stream interleaver. In this paper, we design an intrablock interleaver for BAR that is backward compatible with the aforementioned minimal protocol, so that the throughput can be enhanced without upgrading all the existing devices.
Bartz, Hannes, Puchinger, Sven.
Decoding of Interleaved Linearized Reed-Solomon Codes with Applications to Network Coding. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :160–165.
Recently, Martínez-Peñas and Kschischang (IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2019) showed that lifted linearized Reed-Solomon codes are suitable codes for error control in multishot network coding. We show how to construct and decode lifted interleaved linearized Reed-Solomon codes. Compared to the construction by Martínez-Peñas-Kschischang, interleaving allows to increase the decoding region significantly (especially w.r.t. the number of insertions) and decreases the overhead due to the lifting (i.e., increases the code rate), at the cost of an increased packet size. The proposed decoder is a list decoder that can also be interpreted as a probabilistic unique decoder. Although our best upper bound on the list size is exponential, we present a heuristic argument and simulation results that indicate that the list size is in fact one for most channel realizations up to the maximal decoding radius.
Yin, Hoover H. F., Xu, Xiaoli, Ng, Ka Hei, Guan, Yong Liang, Yeung, Raymond w..
Analysis of Innovative Rank of Batched Network Codes for Wireless Relay Networks. 2021 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). :1–6.
Wireless relay network is a solution for transmitting information from a source node to a sink node far away by installing a relay in between. The broadcasting nature of wireless communication allows the sink node to receive part of the data sent by the source node. In this way, the relay does not need to receive the whole piece of data from the source node and it does not need to forward everything it received. In this paper, we consider the application of batched network coding, a practical form of random linear network coding, for a better utilization of such a network. The amount of innovative information at the relay which is not yet received by the sink node, called the innovative rank, plays a crucial role in various applications including the design of the transmission scheme and the analysis of the throughput. We present a visualization of the innovative rank which allows us to understand and derive formulae related to the innovative rank with ease.