Visible to the public Modeling Cloud Based Cyber Physical Systems Based on AADL

TitleModeling Cloud Based Cyber Physical Systems Based on AADL
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsZhang, Lichen
Conference Name2018 24th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC)
ISBN Number978-1-86220-341-9
KeywordsAADL, cloud, cloud computing, cloud platforms, cloud-based cyber-physical systems, composability, Computational modeling, CPS, Cyber-physical systems, Data models, distributed sensor networks, distributed sensors, intelligent transportation systems, Metrics, Modeling, modeling languages, Object oriented modeling, object oriented security, object-oriented methods, pubcrawl, QoS, quality of service, resilience, Resiliency, security of data, Software, software architecture, UML, Unified modeling language, vehicle, Wireless sensor networks

Cloud-based cyber-physical systems, like vehicle and intelligent transportation systems, are now attracting much more attentions. These systems usually include large-scale distributed sensor networks covering various components and producing enormous measurement data. Lots of modeling languages are put to use for describing cyber-physical systems or its aspects, bringing contribution to the development of cyber-physical systems. But most of the modeling techniques only focuse on software aspect so that they could not exactly express the whole cloud-based cyber-physical systems, which require appropriate views and tools in its design; but those tools are hard to be used under systemic or object-oriented methods. For example, the widest used modeling language, UML, could not fulfil the above design's requirements by using the foremer's standard form. This paper presents a method designing the cloud-based cyber-physical systems with AADL, by which we can analyse, model and apply those requirements on cloud platforms ensuring QoS in a relatively highly extensible way at the mean time.

Citation Keyzhang_modeling_2018