Visible to the public Matrices From Topological Graphic Coding of Network Security

TitleMatrices From Topological Graphic Coding of Network Security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsYao, Bing, Zhao, Meimei, Mu, Yarong, Sun, Yirong, Zhang, Xiaohui, Zhang, Mingjun, Yang, Sihua
Conference Name2019 IEEE 4th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordscoding theory, compositionality, cryptography, edge splitting operations, encoding, encrypted networks, graph theory, Labeling, mathematical models, matrix algebra, Metrics, Network security, password, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, splitting labellings, topcode-matrices, topological coding matrices, Topological graphic coding, Topology, Topsnut-gpws, vertex splitting operations
AbstractMatrices as mathematical models have been used in each branch of scientific fields for hundred years. We propose a new type of matrices, called topological coding matrices (Topcode-matrices). Topcode-matrices show us the following advantages: Topcode-matrices can be saved in computer easily and run quickly in computation; since a Topcode-matrix corresponds two or more Topsnut-gpws, so Topcode-matrices can be used to encrypt networks such that the encrypted networks have higher security; Topcode-matrices can be investigated and applied by people worked in more domains; Topcode-matrices can help us to form new operations, new parameters and new topics of graph theory, such as vertex/edge splitting operations and connectivities of graphs. Several properties and applications on Topcode-matrices, and particular Topcode-matrices, as well as unknown problems are introduced.
Citation Keyyao_matrices_2019