Visible to the public Security Perceptions in Cloud-Based e-Govemment Services:

TitleSecurity Perceptions in Cloud-Based e-Govemment Services:
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAlkhwaldi, Abeer, Kamala, Mumtaz, Qahwaji, Rami
Conference Name2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3)
Date PublishedJan. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-5386-7001-9
Keywordscitizen perspective, cloud computing, cloud services, cloud-based e-government services, Collaboration, component, cybersecurity, E-Government, e-government initiative, government data processing, government stakeholders, Human Behavior, interpretive-qualitative approach, IT-staff perspectives, Jordan, Perceived security, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security of data, security perception

Security is one of the main and continual challenges that restrict government stakeholders (e.g. citizens) engagement with the cloud services. This paper has as its objective the discovery of the security perceptions of cloud-based e-government services from the citizens' and IT-staff perspectives. It investigates the factors that influence the citizen's perception of security. Little efforts have been done by previous literature to investigate and analyze the integration between citizens' concerns regarding the perceived security and those of IT -staff, the current study highlights this issue. This work provides an empirical study to understand citizens' priorities, needs and expectations regarding the perceived security of cloud-based e-government services which are a novel e-government initiative in Jordan, also enriches the existing security perceptions literature by introducing new insights. An interpretive-qualitative approach was adopted, as it helps to understand the participants' perceptions in the research natural setting.

Citation Keyalkhwaldi_security_2019