Visible to the public About possibilities of applying logical analysis of natural language in computer science

TitleAbout possibilities of applying logical analysis of natural language in computer science
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsBilanová, Z., Perháč, J.
Conference Name2019 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI)
Keywordscompositionality, Computer science, Computing Theory and Compositionality, expressive logical method, formal languages, formal logic, formal representation, Human Behavior, human factors, logical analysis, logical analysis of natural language, logical apparatuses, montague intensional logic, natural language Montague intensional logic, Natural languages, programming language semantics, pubcrawl, semantic machine, transparent intensional logic
AbstractThis paper deals with the comparison of the most popular methods of a logical analysis of natural language Montague intensional logic and Transparent intensional logic. At first, these logical apparatuses are compared in terms of their founding theoretical principles. Later, the selected sentence is examined through the logical analysis. The aim of the paper is to identify a more expressive logical method, which will be a suitable basis for the future design of an algorithm for the automated translation of the natural language into a formal representation of its meaning through a semantic machine.
Citation Keybilanova_about_2019