Visible to the public Image And Text Encrypted Data With Authorized Deduplication In Cloud

TitleImage And Text Encrypted Data With Authorized Deduplication In Cloud
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsUthayashangar, S., Abinaya, J., Harshini, V., Jayavardhani, R.
KeywordsApproved deduplication, cloud computing, composability, Computational modeling, Encryption, Human Behavior, information technology, Metrics, privacy leakage, Proxy re-encryption, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Role authorized tree, Secure File Sharing, security, Servers, Software
AbstractIn this paper, the role re-encryption is used to avoid the privacy data lekage and also to avoid the deduplication in a secure role re-encryption system(SRRS). And also it checks for the proof of ownership for to identify whether the user is authorized user or not. This is for the efficiency. Role re-encrytion method is to share the access key for the corresponding authorized user for accessing the particular file without the leakage of privacy data. In our project we are using both the avoidance of text and digital images. For example we have the personal images in our mobile, handheld devices, and in the desktop etc., So, as these images have to keep secure and so we are using the encryption for to increase the high security. The text file also important for the users now-a-days. It has to keep secure in a cloud server. Digital images have to be protected over the communication, however generally personal identification details like copies of pan card, Passport, ATM, etc., to store on one's own pc. So, we are protecting the text file and image data for avoiding the duplication in our proposed system.
Citation Keysuthayashangar_image_2020