Visible to the public Triggering and Auditing the Event During Intrusion Detections in WSN’s Defence Application

TitleTriggering and Auditing the Event During Intrusion Detections in WSN’s Defence Application
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsH, R. M., Shet, U. Harshitha, Shetty, R. D., Shrinivasa, J, A. N., S, K. R. N.
Conference Name2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS)
KeywordsBase stations, Conferences, Defence Applications, false alarm, Human Behavior, Intelligent sensors, Pins, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security, Security Audits, Security-Event Auditing, Sensors, Wireless sensor networks, wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
AbstractWSNs are extensively used in defence application for monitoring militant activities in various ways in large unknown territories. Here WSNs has to have large set of distributed systems in the form as sensors nodes. Along with security concerns, False Alarming is also a factor which may interrupt the service and downgrade the application further. Thus in our work we have made sure that when a trigger is raised to an event, images can be captured from the connected cameras so that it will be helpful for both auditing the event as well as capturing the scene which led to the triggering of the event.
Citation Keyh_triggering_2020