Visible to the public Implementing Attack-aware Security Function Chain Reordering

TitleImplementing Attack-aware Security Function Chain Reordering
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsIffländer, Lukas, Beierlieb, Lukas, Fella, Nicolas, Kounev, Samuel, Rawtani, Nishant, Lange, Klaus-Dieter
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C)
Date PublishedAug. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-8414-2
KeywordsAutonomic Security, composability, Computer crime, FCC, Hardware, network function virtualization, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Software, Switches
AbstractAttack-awareness recognizes self-awareness for security systems regarding the occurring attacks. More frequent and intense attacks on cloud and network infrastructures are pushing security systems to the limit. With the end of Moore's Law, merely scaling against these attacks is no longer economically justified. Previous works have already dealt with the adoption of Software-defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization in security systems and used both approaches to optimize performance by the intelligent placement of security functions. In our previous works, we already made a case for taking the order of security functions into account and dynamically adapt this order. In this work, we propose a reordering framework, provide a proof-of-concept implementation, and validate this implementation in an evaluation environment. The framework's evaluation proves the feasibility of our concept.
Citation Keyifflander_implementing_2020