Visible to the public Taking advantage of unsupervised learning in incident response

TitleTaking advantage of unsupervised learning in incident response
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNilă, Constantin, Patriciu, Victor
Conference Name2020 12th International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAutomated Response Actions, composability, computer security, cybersecurity, data mining, dimensionality reduction, feature extraction, machine learning, Malware, pubcrawl, quick incident response, Resiliency, Tools, Training
AbstractThis paper looks at new ways to improve the necessary time for incident response triage operations. By employing unsupervised K-means, enhanced by both manual and automated feature extraction techniques, the incident response team can quickly and decisively extrapolate malicious web requests that concluded to the investigated exploitation. More precisely, we evaluated the benefits of different visualization enhancing methods that can improve feature selection and other dimensionality reduction techniques. Furthermore, early tests of the gross framework have shown that the necessary time for triage is diminished, more so if a hybrid multi-model is employed. Our case study revolved around the need for unsupervised classification of unknown web access logs. However, the demonstrated principals may be considered for other applications of machine learning in the cybersecurity domain.
Citation Keynila_taking_2020