Visible to the public The Cyber Risk Analytics Project Review WorkshopConflict Detection Enabled

TitleThe Cyber Risk Analytics Project Review Workshop
Publication TypeWeb Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsJon Boyens
Series TitleNational Institute of Standards and Technology Site
Access Year2017
EditionInformation Technology
Access DateOctober 20, 2017
CityGathersburg, MD
Type of MediumWebsite Article
KeywordsC3E, cybersecurity, information technology, risk assessment

The purpose of this workshop is to review with participants, sponsors, and key interested parties the findings and lessons learned from a two-year long NIST and GSA-sponsored Cyber Risk Analytics project. A team composed of professionals from the University of Maryland (UMD), Zurich Insurance, and Beecher Carlson completed the following activities:

  • Developed and field tested, with collaboration of NIST, a secure, online self-assessment tool, based on the Cybersecurity Framework; 
  • Created a breach database for survey participants by integrating the breach datasets from Advisen, RBS , the Identity Theft Resource Center, and the Center for Business and Ethics at the University of Maryland; 
  • Conducted a rigorous statistical analysis to search for significant relationships between performance results in different areas of the self-assessment tool and frequency of breaches (disaggregated by breach type). The objective was to determine specific actions initiated by the survey participants were directly associated with a reduced frequency of breach occurrence during the study period.
Citation Keynode-79924