Visible to the public Identifying Risks to Vehicle Technology AdvancementsConflict Detection Enabled

TitleIdentifying Risks to Vehicle Technology Advancements
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsChris Bonnette, Jason Carnes, Tim Leaf, Hannah Lensing, Kristie Pfosi, David Sasaki, Jeff Stewart, Lisa VanSlyke
Series TitleAutomotive Cybersecurity: More Than Technical Risks
Pagination1 - 32
InstitutionDepartment of Homeland Security
Keywordsautomotive cybersecurity, automotive supply chains, C3E, risk, Supply chains, Vehicle Technology

The supply chains for advanced automobiles will continue to become increasingly complex. Furthermore, automotive OEMs will experience decreased control over the components and software implemented into their vehicles. These issues create risks to advanced vehicle technologies that must be addressed by a comprehensive and coordinated approach to end-to-end cybersecurity across the automotive supply chain.

Citation Keynode-79997